Visual vs.Text. Tips for Proper Balance!

May 7, 2013

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Scott Christofferson

Give Them What They Want

A good rule of thumb with marketing also happens to be the golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

In less philosophical-speak: If it isn’t interesting to you, then it isn’t going to be interesting to other people. Many advertisers waste their time on posts that have either too

many visuals and not enough information, or too much text so it feels like you’re reading a legal briefing. You have to perfectly merge both your words and visuals if you are going to achieve results.

This harmony can be difficult to achieve. Should you use visuals at the top, middle or bottom? What if your most important material is at the beginning? Do I post the same things for each type of social media platform? These are just a few examples of questions that many encounter when considering a post.

So what do you need to do in order to make your posts more balanced? Here are a couple of tips:

Use concise, bulleted lists (See what I did there?).

Put visuals so they are immediately visible without scrolling.

If you are using any social media platform sometimes all your audience will see is your pictures so MAKE THEM COUNT.

Multiple pictures can help in a post (remember grade school when every page had a picture? Same idea).

Make sure your pictures are appropriate sizes (not pixelated, this isn’t the 90’s anymore).

Posting ends up being a total process. It’s not enough to snag people with an interesting visual or awesome fact. You need them to stick with you for the entire journey. Remember, just like fishing, you don’t actually have the fish until you’ve hooked it, reeled it in, and it’s safely sitting in the hold of your boat (not that your clients are fish waiting to be eaten).

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