Website Presence Tips – Research

Jul 22, 2009

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Start Everything with Research

In this article we will talk about doing research about your website to find the things you don’t and do want to be known for when it comes to keywords in search engines. We will use the example of Zion Vacation, found at, a custom website for planning your trip to Zion National Park in Utah, with information about lodging, hiking and restaurants. The focus is to help people learn about the hikes and find lodging. With a focus we can choose relevant keywords.

Find the Negative Keywords

Think of ways you want to be found under in search engines. Build a list of keywords that you want people to find you for. In the case of Zion Vacation, we list words like zion parking, restaurant reservations, zion eating association, these may sound crazy, but people search for everything under the sun. You want your words to have relevance fitting your goals for the website.

Do the Research!

On the other hand you need a list of keywords that you want to be found under in search engines. After doing research to find keywords that are getting good traffic and do not have too many competitors you can come up with a list that fits your website the best. For Zion Vacation I would choose words like, zion canyon, zion national park in utah, zion lodge, zion hotels and zion national park lodging to name a few.

The Final Sum

Try to keep your keywords in a niche target market. Try to choose 5-7 good keywords that fit you where you want to be, but are not too broad to get rankings.

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