May 25, 2011
When asked “how many people use websites?” at any occasion in 2011 everyone will raise their hand if they are in the United States. So the next question is “why do people use websites?” and why are they so important in the reputation of a company? In this article we will discuss some of the important reasons on why companies should focus their time, money and energy into their websites.
The #1 reason the internet was created was for information and was mostly used by the government and universities. Today the internet is still primarily used for “information” and that holds true to consumers who want to search the web for information. A website, for all intensive purposes is the “first impression” that a potential customer has with any particular company. People like to do research about companies along with their products and services before they make a phone call, send an email, fill out a form, drive by the business and even go in the business.
With brand messaging and reputation being so important in business it is critical that a company puts its best foot forward in all public advertising. Time is crucial for a company who wishes to tell people about their company quickly because time is limited. In the online world time is even faster as customers can form opinions and make judgments within seconds. It is very easy to hit the back button or click to another website.
In all forms of marketing you should be steering your customers to your website. From having it printed on your business cards, letterheads, billboards, direct mail, tv commercials, radio commercials etc. When customers here about your company having a website they know they can learn about your company at any time or day they want to.
It is the ease of flexibility that people want in their busy schedules and so doing research on the most informative platform in the world, the internet, makes it a known factor in consumers minds that if businesses want to tap into the mainstream of the customer research pool they have to build a website.
Websites are an indicator for consumers who judge companies. If a company has a website then that does build credibility and reputation for the company in the eyes of consumers. But just having a website does not mean that you are credible, you must have a professional looking website that is well designed, informative and easy to use.