What Is Cloud Hosting?

Jun 20, 2011

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What is “The Cloud”?

Simply put, the cloud refers to a web server or a network of web servers whose common goal is to serve up particular web services to users via merely their web browser. Applications in the cloud are simply internet based applications ready to scale and are typically setup in such a manner that upgrades and patches are done quicker and are available application wide to all users instantly.

Cloud computing differs from the classic in-house-server model by providing web based applications from a server that are executed and managed by a client’s web browser. This requires no installation of software and gives cloud service providers complete control over the versions of the browser-based applications provided to clients. Version upgrades and license management is a thing of the past and there is much less incompatibility with individual client computing devices. The term “software as a service” (SaaS) is sometimes used to describe application programs offered through “The Cloud”.

What is Cloud Hosting?

Cloud technologies applied in the hosting environment are designed to be able to scale much quicker as setup, destruction, and configuration of servers may be done on the fly and in virtually a fraction of the time that they used to be done. In short, its web hosting that can be controlled via a web browser instead of being super manual as it has been in the past. Typical cloud hosting providers provide users with more capability to scale than any other solution.

Who is Cloud Hosting For?

Cloud Hosting technology is typically for the large business or hosting company. Most smaller or retail hosting companies use cloud technology for being able to scale to customers needs more quickly. Small businesses can benefit from cloud hosting by finding a provider that has a cloud based system and is able to scale quickly to meet the needs of a growing hosting clientele.

Cheap Cloud Hosting

Simply put, Innovation Simple is a cloud hosting based provider. This means that Innovation Simple can scale to meet the needs of our clients like we have never been able to before in history. Working with a cloud hosting system should give any potential customer piece of mind because it means that:

  • There is a lot less that can go wrong as the hosting company grows.
  • Scaling only takes a short amount of time and much less effort.
  • The speed of a server in the cloud environment is typically faster because of the lack of worry when a potential upgrade may be needed.

Innovation Simple sells cloud hosting for the same price as everyone else sells regular stone age hosting. Call us with more questions about our hosting packages.

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