WordPress Warriors World Map

Nov 6, 2009

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WordPress is a very popular platform across the world and is used in many different capacities. Now there is a new website where WordPress users can see where other developers, fans, and bloggers are around the world. The website is wpworldmap.net and it will show you a map of the world with icons of little people showing you where everyone is located.

One of the cool features of the site is that it will allow you to add yourself or company so others around the world can see you and see a link to your website. You can see other WordPress users around where you are located as well as other developers. The site is made up of a Google Map and uses the drag and click feature so you can click on where you are located and it will pop up a box so you can add your information.

If you see this site tell all of your WordPress friends to go sign up and claim their spot.

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