Wyoming Transitions To Google Apps

Jun 22, 2011

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Google Apps has increased its offerings for small businesses, education facilities and government institutions. The state of Wyoming has a lot of first and now they are the first state to completely switch over to Google Apps. With this being set up the entire state, which has over 10,000 employees will all share a common email, calendar, documents, sites and other Google products.

With this move the state of Wyoming can save money on technology. The estimate is that it will save $1 million dollars of taxpayer money annually for the state. That is a lot of money that can now be shifted elsewhere like education, transportation etc. The shift to move the entire state over to Google Apps started about 8 months ago which is when Governor Matt Mead first announced that the state of Wyoming would transition over to Google Apps.

The decision to transition the state over to Google Apps came to be after a 2 year competitive evaluation process. The state of Wyoming did not make the move on just a whim, but outlined all of the details and it was apparent that it was a great move.

Google Apps is a collaborative suite of products which are web based that serves as a communication platform. It also will allow those who are over the states technology sector the ability to have better control over the state government email system etc. allowing for quicker troubleshooting and less problems.

Here a video talking about the move:

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