YouTube Video Optimization for Musicians

Sep 6, 2013

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Musicians will always look for ways to share their work with their fans and the world. In this day and age, social media and the Internet have been the path for musicians to get their music out with no additional cost. This is done through using simple marketing tactics such as YouTube video optimization.


Just like search engine optimization, relying on relevant keywords will help serve up the best content for Internet users. The difference of 10 views and 10,000 views is done by using relevant keywords to optimize music videos on YouTube.

1. Getting Your Title Right

What type of headline will catch viewers’ attention to watch your video? Catchy, descriptive titles like a newspaper headline will be discovered quickly.

2. Choosing a Category for Your Music Video

Choose a category for your video. Place your video in a category that would best fit the tastes of those who are browsing for content like yours.

3. Find Relevant Keywords

Looking at keywords on videos with a high number of views can give you an idea of what type of keywords to include for higher viewership of your videos. Stay away from irrelevant keywords.

4. Description and Tags

Include a description and tags. Your description should be as detailed as possible and include important keywords related to your video. Tag words should also reflect your keywords.

Adjusting the Settings

Besides making relevant keywords your first priority, adjusting your video settings will distinguish you from the rest of the competition. Privacy should be set to “public”. Comments, comment voting, video responses and ratings should be permitted for your audience to share and engage with you and on their websites.

Inputting Text and Lyrics

Captions or transcripts can give your YouTube video an optimization boost since YouTube videos are converted into Java. Transcribe your video and add captions if it doesn’t contain dialogue. Formatting and saving your transcript to a .txt file on your video manager, then click “captions” from the drop down menu beside your video. Upload your .txt file to complete the process.

What other tips have worked for you?

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