Online Advertising
Innovation Simple is constantly improving the number of places you can find to advertise your company or your website online. Check back periodically for additional places on the web you can show your face.
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Pay-Per-Click Advertising
Pay per click advertising is the quickest and fastest way to get traffic from search engines. This is partially because anyone who’s anyone can do it. In PPC advertising, marketers pay money to be listed in search engine results pages in the ‘paid’ section.
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Television Advertising
Through Comcast Spotlight, Innovation Simple can offer you television advertising across the State of Utah. Over the next few years, multiple other states will also be available for television advertising through Innovation Simple.
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Outdoor Advertising
If you live in Southern Utah, Innovation Simple has some great connections to get you some outdoor advertising for less than you would pay otherwise. Let us design your outdoor advertising piece and then let us produce it through one of our partners.
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