Archive for September, 2011

History Of Google Updates

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The ‘Secret Sauce’ of Google

An update takes place when a search engine reorganize their ranking algorithm and starts to re-rank all the Web pages in their database based upon the most recent ranking criteria. Since its inception about 1.2 decade ago, Google have attempted thousands of alterations to their algorithm, or “secret sauce” which makes the search tycoon actually function.

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Advantages Of Online Publicity

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Without any speck of doubt, during the current era the Internet has become the most used platform for communication. Today, majority of the people spend their work and leisure time in front of their computers on the Internet. As social networking sites replace meeting up with friends and searching the Internet for information rather than going through books becomes the norm, advertisers are seeing a huge potential for Continue Reading »

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Some Of The Latest Google Algorithm Changes

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Google has the reputation of being a leading search engine with unmatched characteristics of finding highly specific information at a quick pace. In order to improve the quality of search engine results, Google continues to make small changes to the algorithm every now and then. But there are times when they launch an update to their algorithm that can be termed as a really big change. Continue Reading »

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Tips On How To Grab People's Attention

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From a sales letter to a web page or an email marketing message– no matter what type of copy you need to write, getting to the point quickly by grabbing attention before the reader’s attention is lost are the most essential elements to keep all your written copy fresh, interesting, and likely to get read all the way through to the last line. Continue Reading »

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