Archive for October, 2011

Steve Jobs Has Passed Away

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The technology mogul and co-founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, has passed away at the age of 56. Over the past 8 years Steve has been battling pancreatic cancer and on 10/05/2011 he finally lost the battle with the disease. Continue Reading »

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How To Choose A Marketing Agency

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Marketing is the science and also the art of selling products and services. By virtue of its favorable representation of products and services, it makes consumer, customers and general public aware of product. It let the potential buyers, general public and end users to be aware and familiar with the brands and their goods and services. Nowadays all businesses whether it’s a toy manufacturing company or a business consulting firm, have to sell either their products or knowledge. Continue Reading »

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The O Pack vs The 7 Pack

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With the world wide web as a basic commodity in every home and business, searching for information has never been so easy and useful. Search engines are very useful in our daily lives Top search engines include Google, Yahoo! And Microsoft’s Bing and the results returned by these search engines are considered very reliable by a great number of online users. Businesses, whether established locally or nationally, have realized the importance of being Continue Reading »

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