Archive for February, 2013

Guiding Constant: Marketing Model

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By: Gaydon Leavitt A Guiding Constant We feel that a model that guides your approach to marketing is extremely important. It serves as a Bible (so to speak) for the approach the company takes, the ideas that you espouse, and affects the culture for all staff members. What do you espouse? Do you have a model that you work from?…
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Optimize Your Content Before You Post

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Scott Christofferson Good Content is the Best Content Good content marketing and writing for the Web takes some serious skill. Writing an interesting AND useful blog post is not easy. But you probably already know that. Once you post the article your work has just begun. The way you disseminate your content has taken a lot (maybe even years) of…
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Choosing A SEO Partner

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By: Mike Green Choosing a SEO Partner That title makes this sound like a SEO dating website blog post. The reality is that choosing a Search Engine Optimization partner for your business is much like choosing a partner in life. One must tests your potential partner’s theology to be sure it matches your own. In the world of online marketing,…
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Are You Really Listening?

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Scott Christofferson Listen Up Being a good listener is essential to being an effective leader. And if you’re a business owner, marketing professional or sales person it’s really important. People want to be heard. They want to know that you know what they really want deep down inside. The only downside is that many times people don’t say exactly what…
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Leads: Lifeblood of Businesses

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By: Gaydon Leavitt Lead Flow = Insurance Nothing is more important in business than knowing that your business is in a strong financial position and poised to do what you want in terms of growth, milestones and goals. If I was a betting man, I would bank on leads every time over any other thing in business. Quality, predictable and…
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I asked “How long have you worked here?”

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The Event Like many of you, business travel provides me with great learning opportunities. I frequently use them in my consulting and training as similes or metaphors. This one taught me the most. A few years ago, General Motors held a grand training for their prestigious Cadillac Division at the Ritz Carlton in Laguna Niguel, renown for customer service. The…
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Do Blog Posts Matter for Your Business? [Infographic]

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Content is King Blogging might seem tedious, but boy does it produce results! We at Innovation Simple have experienced heavy traffic flow from consistent blogging in the past, but nothing has compared to our 30 for 30 experiment. Take a look. Do Blog Posts Matter for Your Business? Add This Infographic to Your Site

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Social Media that Makes Sense

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Scott Christofferson Online Marketing is Here to Stay Online and digital marketing has grown into something much more than just an optional feature of your marketing strategy – it has become a must for most businesses. Many small and medium sized businesses know they don’t need to have a social media presence just to have a social media presence, but…
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Vetting Marketing Companies

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By: Gaydon Leavitt It’s SUPER Hard There is so much talk about social media, SEO, online marketing, branding etc. It has been a crazy online marketing world since early 2012 with major social media changes and major search engine changes. You have likely wondered how to navigate this space and have had a difficult time deciding who to listen to,…
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The Most Important Question: Why?

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By: Mike Green The Most Important Question Of all the questions you must answer when running a business, answering the question of “why” might be the key to success. Why do your customers buy from you? Why do they buy from you a second time? Why do your employees stay with you rather than find another job? Why, why, why….
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