Archive for May, 2014

Cinco de Mayo

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The Most American Mexican Holiday Feliz Cinco de Mayo!!! It’s time to bust out the chips and queso, the guacamole, and that mariachi CD you got from the international music section at Barnes and Noble! But do know what this day is actually celebrating? Not what you might think… If you guessed Mexican Independence Day, you’re wrong, but you’re not…
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Design Work At Innovation Simple

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Design Work At Innovation Simple Providing website, logo, print, and video production, our services are varied and effective At Innovation Simple we work by a motto of “marketing managed.” This motto is what drives all of the different services we provide, and it is our goal to help your company have the best marketing experience available. However, some of the…
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Collaboration – Essential to business success

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Collaboration leads businesses to achieve their goals. As companies take the time to work through their problems together, different approaches and opinions lead to a greater perspective on the solutions ahead. Today, I want to discuss a few ways businesses should optimize collaboration to be more successful 1. Make your meetings more effective Oftentimes in business meetings the real reasons…
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Jewels of the Marketing World: How Birthstones Became a Brand

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Jewels of the Marketing World: How Birthstones Became a Brand As summer approaches, the world outside is getting greener—and so are the world’s precious gems. This month’s birthstone, the vibrantly-green emerald, may (pun intended) simply seem beautiful to look at, but this sparkler is part of a larger, vaster industry—one that understands our innate desire to connect with the world…
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