Feedburner Integrates With Google Analytics

Nov 18, 2009

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Feedburner has now made it possible to track what is happening with your rss feeds in Google Analytics. Using Google Analytics you can get enormous amounts of data and now with content syndication being more and more critical internet marketing having analytics data is huge. Feedburner is now automatically inserting Google Analytics code into the url’s or your content. So if you publish content through your blog and you run your rss feeds through Feedburner and someone visits your site after clicking on a link in your Feedburner page to your site, then you will be able to track that data.
feedburner google analytics snapshot

Feeds are very important for website owners to provide a way for their readers to constantly stay up do date on what your company is doing. There are several news readers available so that readers can subscribe to your content and then be notified in several ways including through browsers, email, and news readers. Knowing not only how many subscribers you have to your content but to know where they are located and other data that could be resourceful will improve the way companies use their rss feeds. One of the great ways to get subscribers to your content is to ask you current customers to subscribe to your content.

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