DoFollow Search Engines

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When doingsearch engine optimization for a website link building is one of the most important things to do. There are a variety of ways to do this including press releases, submitting to directories, submitting to social bookmarking companies, and commenting on blogs that do not have the nofollow attribute turned on.

When a website has the nofollow attribute turned on then that means when you post a link on someone else’s website the search engine crawler will not be able to follow the link back to your website thus not counting as an inbound link.

There are a variety of ways to find if a website has the nofollow attribute turned on. You can pull up the source code on a website by pressing CTRL + u or right click and click the view source code link. Firefox has a plugin called SEO for Firefox that will highlight nofollow links when you set that parameter.

One way to find blgs that do not have the nofollow attribute is to search “dofollow search engines.” This will pull back a list of search engines that have scoured the web to find websites that do not have the nofollow attribute. There is no such thing as dofollow, it is just the absence of the nofollow attribute.

You can type in a keyword or phrase that you are looking for and it will pull back results like a typical search engine. If you have a website that has the nofollow attribute turned off, then you can submit your website to these search engines and they will add your website so more people can find your site.

When you are building these links back to your website by commenting on other related blogs then you want to find blogs that are a higher pagerank and are current and more up to date. SEO Quake is a Firefox plugin that will show what the pagerank of a website is plus more. This will help you to find good trustworthy authority websites to comment on and add your llnk to.

When commenting on blogs use the keyword in the name field for the keywords you are optimizing for. This will be anchor text that will show a inbound link. For example if you are trying to rank in the search engines for “muscle cars” then you will type in Muscle Cars in the name field and put the website url in the website field. Make sure you are linking to the exact page that is most talked about and relevant to muscle cars.

This will help to provide higher relevancy and deep linking, meaning that the inbound link is not to the homepage of a website, but to a particular page of the website.

3 Responses to “DoFollow Search Engines”

  1. DoFollow Blogs Search Engine on 21 Aug 2008 at 11:01 am

    Thanks for talking about dofollow blogs search engines…. I currently run one, and I am glad that people use it and like it.

  2. Florida web design on 11 Mar 2009 at 6:06 am

    I am using plugin Nodofolow in firefox and its good too . Try to give it a look

  3. Web Hosting Packages on 05 May 2009 at 4:56 am

    Thanks for the reviews,
    I’m actually quite surprised that Dofollow Search Engine can report 55% DoFollow. It isn’t really a DoFollow Search Engine that way is it?

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