Essential Pages to Include on your Website

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When building a website there are some essential pages that you must have on your website. Here is a list of the most important ones listed in random order:

  1. Home page – this is probably very obvious. This is what I call your all in one page as it is the hub of everything you offer. It must have a great layout that easily shows off what you offer.
  2. About Us page – this is a must as people like to know who they are dealing with. This gives them an insight into who is behind the screen.
  3. Contact Us page – this page is a must and can be developed in different ways with forms, maps, directions, or just list the information. Sometimes you do want to be careful about listing your email as some search engines can scrape.
  4. Products/Services page – No matter what you sell or offer of service it is a very good idea to show on one page what it is you sell.
  5. Pricing – While this is a heavily debated subject as some wish to not have pricing listed it is a good idea to at least give people a range at least. Remember people are using the internet to do research and if you do not help them at all they will leave.
  6. FAQ page – frequently asked questions are always a page that you should have because people always ask questions and studies show that they will most likely all be the same so it is a very good idea to answer them on your website.
  7. Testimonials – this is an invaluable tool to have on any website as people like to read what others think about you.
  8. Articles – include resources and information that will add value to what you offer. If you sell golf clubs then you should include articles about golf courses and other information that is golf related.
  9. Privacy Policy page – having a privacy policy page is something that every site should have to show that they comply with keeping customers information safe.
  10. Guarantee Page – customers like to feel that they are doing business with a company that stands behind their products and services. Having a guarantee does just that.
  11. Refund/Return Policy – you should have a page that explains your return and refund policy. This can be included in your guarantee page as well.
  12. Sitemap – having a page on your website that shows where everything on your website is can be extremely useful to visitors.
  13. News page – people like to read and watch news on a daily basis. Offering news that is happening in your industry will offer more value to your customers and give them a reason to want to return to your website.
  14. Blog – every website should have a blog as it provides a way to communicate with your customers and allows for them to interact with your company through comments and feedbacks. Plus having a blog makes it available for a website to add RSS and social bookmarking features. Blogs make it very easy to add content to a website which is extremely important.
  15. Photo Gallery – people like to see pictures of anything and having pictures of your products and your work is invaluable to a visitor to be able to visualize what you offer. This will increase your sales. Adding videos to your website will also improve the way people understand your products and services.
  16. Partners – adding a page of who your company is partnered with is also a good idea as people can see who you associate with and do business with.

These are some of the most basic pages that every website should include. The more the better I say when it comes to offering how much you know about a certain industry.

One Response to “Essential Pages to Include on your Website”

  1. johnkenedy5 on 06 Mar 2009 at 9:18 pm

    Cheers for writing about this. FYI – here’s some more info about hehe.. This page about web design is good too.
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