Have a Clear Message

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When you are building your website and laying it out you want to have a clear message of what you want your customers to read, watch, and listen. There are so many different types of websites that have flashy animation and things that move in ways like rollovers and scroll bars that it is hard to understand exactly what the website owner is exactly trying to portray.

This happens especially with blogs as sometimes they are all over the place with everything under the sun. All professional businesses should have a blog, but the blog should have a professional look and feel with appropriate content. This blog has content having to do with web design, marketing, web development, business development, and seo.

The content is all centered around web design and internet marketing to help business owners improve their online presence and to increase the amount of leads that they receive from their websites. This is so when a person reads this blog and all of the articles associated with it that they are not getting confused with information that is not relevant to our message.

The better you can portray your message of what you offer and what you want a visitor to do with this information the more success you will have. This is very important as you must effectively tell people what you want them to do and how to go about it.

If a visitor is clear about knowing what you offer and what you want them to do they are more likely to do it. With this Las Vegas web design blog our purpose is to give people a lot of good information and then we tell them to get a FREE Quote for web design. That is it. If you come to this blog you will see everything having to do with web design and a page that says FREE Quote and the 888-55-WEBSITE phone number.

Our sole message is to get people to want a FREE web design quote and their are two ways to do that:

  1. Call the 800#
  2. Fill out the quote form

The call to action is very clear on exactly what we want people to do and so that is how clear you should have every website. All of the information that you have should be relevant and not all over the place.

The most powerful way of doing this is through effective headlines. If you have crappy headlines then it does not matter how good your information is down the page because the headline is what the reader is judging the page by. So you must first start with a headline that is catchy and informational. Also the headline must be relevant to the article. If a reader reads the headline and likes it enough to continue to read and the article does not live up to the headlines expectations then they will leave.

Make sure your headlines are clear and coincide with the article or whatever else you are giving them to put into their mind.

One Response to “Have a Clear Message”

  1. Oxford MS Condos on 11 Feb 2009 at 6:49 pm

    Great article, more people need to have a clear message!

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