Increasing Relevance On Your Website

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In SEO (search engine optimization) increasing the relevance of a website is very important. I have used “Relevancy” as one of my 5 main factors in SEO for a long time. Search engines are always trying to determine the importance and relevance of any given document. Today I am going to discuss some ways you can increase the relevance on your website. The reasons you would like to improve the relevancy of your website is because search engines try to understand the context of content when they crawl and using synonyms helps a search engine better understand the context of the content you are publishing. One of the best ways is to understand what types of keyword phrases you are going to go after and then find other phrases that are similar (synonyms) to those keyword phrases. The best way is to of course Google your phrase and then synonym. In todays case we are going to look at boats. Step 1: Go to Google and type in boat synonyms. this will give you a list of sites that will have synonyms for Google. Pull up several of the websites that are listed so you can gather a good source of synonyms.
google boat synonym search results page

Step 2: Here is a website that I found for boat synonyms that takes it even further into different types of boats like sailing, military, small, historical and motorized vessels. This will give you a good list of words that you will want to use in your copy to assist in talking about boats.
boats thesarus and synonyms

Step 3: Another good way to improve the relevancy on your website is to use Google’s Wonder Wheel. This tool will show you other keyword phrases that Google thinks is relative to any given phrase. The screenshot below will show you the wheel for boat. You can use these other keyword phrases to write content about on your site to improve that your site is about boats. This tools is in the search tools on the left hand side of a search results page.
boat wonder wheel in google

Step 4: One thing you can also look at is the Related Searches tool that Google gives to users to help them find things. As a publisher of content you can use this tool to understand what Google might also be showing users who are searching for your main keyword phrases. You will want to use these related searches to brainstorm additional type of content to put on your website.
boat synonym related searches in google

The search tools that Google has given on the left hand side of their new layout on the search results page are valuable tools to understand what Google is putting in their index for your given terms for the last 24 hours or week or by location or any other thing that you can find to help you think of phrases that you could put on your website to increase its relevancy.

One Response to “Increasing Relevance On Your Website”

  1. Jeff Burchell on 02 Jun 2010 at 8:23 pm

    Google’s wonder wheel is a really great tool. I just found it a couple weeks ago and it is a pretty neat way to see other relevant search phrases related to a topic you are researching. I am no SEO expert, but I really try to make it a big part of every post I put on my blog or page I create.

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