Archive for November, 2012

3 Tips to Socialize your Website

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In this post I would like to share 3 tips on how you can better socialize your website. The 3 tips are the following: 1) Add Social Sharing to every page/blog 2) Add Social following to your site 3) Social toolbar Add Social Sharing One of my favorite tools that you can use to accomplish this real quickly is the…
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3 Creative Marketing Tips to get more Visitors

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The more creative you get with your marketing, the more attention you will attract to yourself. In this post I would like to share 3 tips to make your marketing more creative! Create an amazing blog. When I talk about creating a blog, its not just any blog that you want to have. You want a blog that grabs people’s…
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Why Twitter is So Darn Important

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Too Busy for Twitter? We talk to businesses about the importance of keeping up with the evolution of communication. Regardless of what business you are in or social circle you roam, communication is the key element to succeeding in your venture. Yet, almost universally I hear from business owners that they are “too busy for Twitter” or “just don’t get…
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Balance – Focus – Confidence

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It’s Just Like Riding a Bike I was reading a blog post by a friend who shared the all too frustrating, but very rewarding challenge of teaching his kids how to ride a bike. I remember many hours spent teaching my own kids how to ride a bike. Holding onto the seat, running behind them in a crouched down position…
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Learning How to Quit (and why it's so important)

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The First Thing You Need To Do Is Quit! In order to become successful in any venture, we need to learn how to quit. I know that seems counterproductive, but understanding the principle of quitting is one of the most important step to success. Seth Godin, a successful marketer and writer, explains in his book “The Dip” how pivotal it…
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Taking Your Business Online:3 Things to Know from the Start

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The Essentials Whether you are just starting a new business or looking for ways to grow your existing business, having an online presence in today’s market is essential. As search engine results become more static and less dynamic, business owners in all industries are realizing more and more that establishing a digital presence online is a key part of a…
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The 3 B's of Marketing Part 2:Be Timely

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Capitalizing on Current Trends Don’t sell ice in the winter unless you happen to be a very good sales person. The next “be” is about being timely. How are you capitalizing on the current trends in the marketplace. Your product development, web design, strategic partnerships, and marketing all need to have good timing and relevant messages in order to be…
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Where are my strengths?

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You don’t know what you don’t know Peter Drucker, small business guru said, “Most Americans do not know what their strengths are.” “When you ask them, they look at you with a blank stare, or they respond in terms of subject knowledge, which is the wrong answer.” How to discover your strengths Most people don’t know what they are good…
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How Pandas and PenguinsMade My Job More Fun

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I Love the ‘New’ SEO 3 Necessary Skills The promotional marketers and the die hard spammers have left the scene. They have no need for SEO anymore. Why? Because SEO isn’t what it used to be. What it used to be involves manipulation, meaningless jargon, and automated software. What it now involves is hardcore research skills, the ability to write…
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Discovering LeadershipUnder Rocks and Logs

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All management positions are occupied by leaders. True or False? Answer: False Leadership can be cultivated. It can be discovered within an employee, or it can be acquired. But to better understand how to identify leadership, we must first understand a common and problematic practice relative to management. Candidates are frequently placed into leadership roles based on prior performances that…
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