Archive for October, 2013

How To Get More Twitter Followers

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When I first started using Twitter, I never thought how important it was to tweet daily and I never did figure out how to get followers. I always thought it was all about following other Twitter users and tweeting about various topics, hoping that someone would start following me. It never has turned out that way since I’ve used Twitter…
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Four Website Mistakes Your Business May Be Making

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Tyler Carter Is Your Website Working? In today’s economy a website is essential to staying relevant and profitable for most businesses. But simply having a website does not guarantee any amount of success, especially if that website is poorly constructed. There are many ways to mess up a website, but the pitfalls below are common mistakes to make sure you…
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Ski Utah

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Utah is a ski junkie’s goldmine. I use that term endearingly being a ski junkie myself. Every October “the bug” bites a skiers heart and he begins to dream of the slopes. The bug bit me back in June. I have been doing research on various ski resorts and would like to share my research with you. If you are…
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Developing a Social Culture for Your Company

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According to an article published today by Forbes magazine, including your employees in your social media marketing could be your best move. Up until now many companies have kept their employees from participating in social marketing for fear that they would misbehave (which unfortunately has been the case for some big companies). The fear that employees would speak poorly or…
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Status of the Provo Music Scene

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Jake Wixom Provo on the Rise Over the past few years, Provo has stepped out of the shadows and into the spotlight of legendary music cities. San Francisco helped bring about the reign of rock legends like Jimi Hendrix. Detroit gave us Motown. New Orleans will forever be known as the birthplace of jazz. Nashville, Seattle, Austin… Each one of…
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The Importance of Hashtags in Social Media

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Why do we use hashtags in our social media conversations or even to the extreme of in our daily conversations with friends? In August 2007, a year and half later after Twitter emerged into the social media scene, Chris Messina proposed the use of the hashtag. The first tweet with a hashtag that Messina sent out was “how do you…
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Testimonials: Your Company Needs Them!

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Scott Christofferson Customers Need Proof Everyone wants bang for their buck, their money’s worth, a good deal, quality service, results and the list goes on! Before we sign contracts or make purchases most of us want to know what we’re getting, but if there isn’t a clear track record from the brand or company or we don’t know someone who…
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Secrets of the Web

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The Internet is a mysterious place. No one knows what it contains. For just a second I was tempted to look up the size of the Internet. I didn’t look it up because it grows so fast that by the time I got the answer it would be irrelevant. The internet is constantly changing. So instead of giving you facts…
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Social Media and the Government Shutdown

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Although there have been over fifteen government shutdowns in the past forty years, this year’s government shutdown has drawn more attention than most shutdowns. The simple factor that distinguishes this year’s shutdown is social media. Social media has provided continued insight into the progress (and non-progress) of the current shutdown situation, making the status of the shutdown more readable to…
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Provo: The New Seattle

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Jake Wixom Provo is to Indie as Seattle was to Grunge Provo . . what the artistic world has come to call an explosive, creative hotspot, and one we call home. Maybe you’ve heard that Provo was recently chosen as one of just a handful of cities to receive Google Fiber, or that Imagine Dragons, a band that is being…
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