Archive for October, 2013

Tips for Using Instagram for Businesses

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Instagram, a photo-sharing app created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, was founded in 2009 was revolutionized from elements of Foursquare and Mafia Wars, a popular game developed by Zynga. It came from nothing to one of the popular photo-sharing app in the world after just a few years. Instagram creates a community that brings many people together to share…
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Three Simple Ways to Keep Hackers off Your Wi-Fi

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Tyler Carter Secure Wireless Network Wi-Fi is an amazing technology that has made the use of the Internet easier for personal and public use. This wireless internet access can come with a price though, and that price is security. When your Wi-Fi network can be accessed by unauthorized people you open yourself up not only to people stealing your bandwidth,…
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In Case You Thought Social Media Doesn't Matter

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If up until this point you’ve thought that social media doesn’t matter, you may want to rethink your strategy. According to this Wall Street Journal article, social media could be the deciding factor for big investment companies deciding whether or not to invest in your company. According to Christophe Vandaele (who was quoted in this article), a managing director at…
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