Archive for May, 2014

Increasing Productivity at Work

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As the workday goes on, it can become increasingly difficult to be focused and productive. Too often, workers find themselves feeling burnt out and unmotivated in the afternoon hours. For regular 9–5’ers, steps can be taken to improve productivity. Here are a few tried-and-true methods to getting the most out of each day spent in (and out) of the office:…
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How to Live With Less

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Whether for the sake of their paycheck or the sake of their sanity, many people are choosing to start living with less. “Less” can refer to owning fewer objects, spending less money “for fun,” scheduling days with more spare time, etc. In a world where we are bombarded with advertisements and the constantly feel the need to do and be…
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Blogging Inception

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If you’ve seen the movie Inception and you didn’t like it you probably shouldn’t read this blog post because I’m about to make a blog post about blog posts. In this post I will go over some FAQ’s about businesses and the decision to have a blog. Blogging FAQ’s Why Does My Company Need a Blog? Because communication builds relationships….
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Are You a Marketing Superstar?

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What’s a Marketing Superstar? There’s a lot of misnomers about what it takes to be successful at marketing. Some companies throw money at the problem, some outsource to specialized firms and others pretend their marketing doesn’t need any help at all. If you fall into that last category, I invite you to reconsider. For marketing to be successful it needs…
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How Viral Marketing will End Extreme Poverty

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Nuru International If there’s one thing that social media has taught us in the past ten years, it’s that the best type of marketing is viral marketing–when something is so “catchy” that people want to share it with their friends, so you don’t have to. This has completely changed the way companies create marketing campaigns, putting a greater emphasis on…
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Saving Money on Groceries

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Groceries are something everyone needs, yet they are something that can quickly add up and cost you substantially if you are not careful. Luckily, most grocery stores have strong marketing teams behind them who want to bring revenue to their stores and also help save you money. With the right strategy, you can save significantly while shopping for groceries. 1….
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Hardware Updates: Who is really benefiting?

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Technology is changing our world. And with that change comes positive and negative effects on the consumer and the business. One of the more common technology changes that we have seen a lot of in the past few years is hardware changes. Sometimes you might not notice a change in an upgraded product’s hardware. But other times you can’t miss…
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Adaptive Marketing for Summer Months

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Revamp your summer marketing strategy Summer is a fun time. Summer means more sun and (hopefully) more time on a beach you can’t pronounce the name of. Either way, summertime introduces interesting marketing dynamics to you and your business that need to be considered. Summer is the time most people travel and take vacation time. For the travel and tourism…
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A Company with a Cause: Cotopaxi

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City of Angels Something about Northern Utah, particularly the Provo/Orem area and Salt Lake City, seems to be extremely conducive to the “International Development” field. BYU and the University of Utah pump out scores of graduates every year who are just itching to either start or join a project that is determined to end world hunger, provide clean water, or…
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