Archive for May, 2014

5 Ways To Find New Blogging Ideas

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These days, it seems like pretty much everyone is blogging. From news organizations to universities to moms, blogs have become a primary way to communicate ideas and involve readers in a conversation. Because most blogs allow comments, writers can receive prompt feedback from their audience and share ideas immediately. Many people may want to create a personal blog but do…
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Eating More Mindfully at Work

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If you work a 9–5 desk job, you may find yourself eating more throughout the day than you would if you were at home. Offices are social places, and at many jobs, there is always food around: bagels in the break room, the candy jar on your boss’s desk, cake for birthdays every Friday, the never-empty-soda-on-tap . . . It’s…
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The ugly truth about pushy sales people

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First, a quick story … Getting your haircut is universally awkward for everyone, right? You go in and sit in this unusually comfortable chair and a stranger touches, washes, cuts, colors and styles your hair. And if that’s not awkward enough by itself you also have to come up with small talk to entertain your hairdresser with, because heaven forbid…
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The Rise of Crowdfunding

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Crowdfunding is still a new phenomena in e-commerce. Recently, crowdfunding website Kickstarter celebrated its 5th anniversary. In 5 short years crowdfunding has become a compelling financial force that funds both startups and existing businesses alike. So my question is, what is crowdfunding doing in the world of business and e-commerce? Learn from crowdfunding Many of you may remember a little…
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Entertaining Parallax Sites

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Next-Gen Web Design A few weeks ago I wrote about Sony’s new campaign, “Be Moved”, which uses a fantastically attractive parallax site design. That got me thinking, “I wonder what other companies use parallax sites?”. For those of you following along at home, parallax scrolling is where a site uses scrolling movement, the objects in back moving slower than those…
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Collaboration – Essential to business success

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> Collaboration leads businesses to achieve their goals. As companies take the time to work through their problems together, different approaches and opinions lead to a greater perspective on the solutions ahead. Today, I want to discuss a few ways businesses should optimize collaboration to be more successful. 1. Make your meetings more effective Oftentimes in business meetings the real…
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Hello world!

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Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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15 Interesting Facts About Utah

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When you live somewhere for a long time, it becomes easy to take that place for granted. Unfortunately, Utah often gets a bad rap—even from the people who have been here their whole lives. In all reality, however, the Beehive state is filled with rich history and a colorful background. Here are 15 interesting facts about Utah: 1. The Great…
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Crisis Communications: The most needed and least used tool in marketing

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Donald Sterling’s public relations catastrophe How much are you willing to pay by making racist remarks? For Donald Sterling, owner of the LA Clippers, it’s 2.5 million dollars along with a lifetime ban from his team and related activities. While Sterling cannot be forced to step down as the owner of the Clippers, this ban will prevent him from attending…
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Using 'Trigger' Tools in Social Media

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What is a ‘trigger’ tool? Whether or not you work in marketing you know that social media has completely changed the industry. With dozens of mainstream options and counting, marketers need to make their social media outlets interact and reinforce each other in order to successfully reach target audiences. To streamline social media, marketers can now use “trigger” sites like…
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