In Beta

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The developers of SeoQuake and SeoDigger have developed a new tool called SEMRush. This new tool is in beta testing and offers a variety of services.

With this new tool you can check the rankings of a website in Google and check on your competitor’s. The tool will show you potential ad buyers and sellers and will even calculate the adwords costs of competitor’s.  There is a glossary that is available making it very informative for people who do not know about the different terms used in internet marketing.

What you simply do is type in a url (domain) or any keyword into the search box at the top of the site and it will pull back a lot of information about the cost per click for adwords, the competitons cpc, the average number of searches and the trends of the search.

This tool will help gather information for those who are doing search engine optimization and internet marketing.

With the tool still in beta things are sure to be getting better as the developers continue to better the system. To learn more about this new tool and to see what it has to offer you can go to SEMRush.

One Response to “ In Beta”

  1. Matt on 15 Feb 2009 at 12:43 am

    For a good stats tool try also

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