Archive for January, 2009

How To Frustrate Your Visitors

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Often there are websites that I see that do a very good job at frustrating their visitors. It is really easy to spot these type of websites because of the way they are designed and have their layout. Here are some common mistakes that people do to their websites that frustrate customers. Continue Reading »

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Traits of a Successful Business

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In business there are several things that must happen in order for the business to be successful. Here are some traits of successful businesses and why they continue to increase their sales and have higher conversions. Continue Reading »

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IUSHER Soon to Launch

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Have you heard of IUSHER? With the advent of IUSHER and other web tools that can make your website more effective, why not give them a try? At you will find 4 different tools to help your website maintain and impress your visitors and keep leads and sales coming in.

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One of the hardest things to do is find new information that you want to talk about on your website. I have used several sources to help me find new things that are happening in my industry including blogs and news sites. I have found a website that pulls everything into one place called Continue Reading »

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