Archive for June, 2011

What To Do When You Have Writers Block

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Do you jostle to come up with new and interesting topics to write. It is important when writing a blog, that one must regularly come up with interesting topics that will keep the readers focused and wanting more. However, constantly keeping up with the demands for new ideas is a challenge to every blog owner. Inspiration doesn’t always come easily….
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Google ChromeBooks Now Available For Purchase

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Google announced on November 19, 2009 that it had plans on building a new computer operating system (OS). At Google I/O last month Google mentioned that they would make their fully operational OS available for retail though its sell of the Google ChromeBook on June 15, 2011. Continue Reading »

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How People Actually Use The Web

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The naked truth about web users is that they don’t bother about your website. I know it’s appalling; how could they, right? When designing web sites, designers act as though people are going to pore over each webpage, reading our finely crafted and drafted text, figuring out how we’ve organized things, and weighing their options before determining which link to click. Continue Reading »

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Search Google With Your Voice

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Google has been making huge strides at improving its search functionality and they have now introduced a huge breakthough in using Google Search on computers. Now you can search Google by using your voice instead of typing. Continue Reading »

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Top 5 Reasons To Have A Blog On Your Website

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The word blog and its concept should no longer conjure images of the cyber geek; home alone on a Saturday night, the click-clack of keyboard rising to a raucous crescendo as rantings. The blog has now evolved into an increasingly powerful online tool. It has been known to propel contemporary writers, previously unknown, to new heights of fame, and spawn political geniuses, technological pioneers and even award-winning screenwriters. And now, more and more, its power is being harnessed to promote online business; because it works. Continue Reading »

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Internet Explorer 6 Discontinued

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Friends don’t let friends use Internet Explorer 6IE 6 Countdown Website If I had my way no one would use any version of Internet Explorer at all but at the very least not version 6. Microsoft themselves and many web development companies have announced that they no longer support IE 6. Even Google recently announced that they will only support…
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SaaS vs. Licensed vs. Custom Software

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In a world now pervasive with SaaS products, it can be tough sorting out the software offerings at the fingertips of consumers and businesses. This article is designed to help business owners or potential business owners in their quest to understand SaaS and its ramifications as well as point potential software purchasers in the right direction.
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