Archive for July, 2011

Redesign vs. New website

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A lot of people may ask what the difference is between a new website and a redesigned website. So here is an article that will give you some clarification. If you have an existing website then it is common to want to give it a new look every so often. However there is a big difference between giving it a…
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Redesign vs. New website

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A lot of people may ask what the difference is between a new website and a redesigned website. So here is an article that will give you some clarification. If you have an existing website then it is common to want to give it a new look every so often. However there is a big difference between giving it a…
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Innovation Simple Redesigned Website

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Innovation Simple wants to always stay up to date on what is happening in the technology world and is continually moving forward and adapting. Lately Innovation Simple has been working on several projects to keep the company moving in the right direction. One of those projects has been redesigning our website.

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Common Misconceptions About SEO

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In the business of SEO (search engine optimization) nothing can be taken for granted. Every year new techniques and methods are introduced, new tools become available and several algorithmic updates take place. As a result, the circumstances of this uncertain and fast changing environment give birth to several myths and misconceptions. There are a lot of misconceptions about SEO (search engine optimization) and what it can and cannot do for a website.

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Why Hire Blog Developers

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Usually it is imagined that website development doesn’t require much skills and it is the simplest job on the earth, but blog/website development is an art and requires a lot of skill, techniques, quality of knowledge, passions, time to develop the website etc. Professional website designers and blog developers not only help your readers/customers to stay on your website for longer but they also Continue Reading »

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How Does Fast Hosting Help SEO

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Remember, your best business ideas will fail if no one knows your business exists. Getting your website high up the search engines has always been important but never before has it been so imperative to rank highly. A key secret is speed. Having a slow loading website can be detrimental factor that could hurt your search engine optimization efforts. Continue Reading »

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Tech Expo Utah – Day 2

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Saturday has been steady Saturday at the Tech Expo Utah was a nice flow of consistent traffic and a decent flow of people legitimately looking for vendors. Comments from SkyWire Communications and Innovation Simple were both similar. Both companies felt like the traffic, although not stellar, was targeted and interested in services or products provided by the vendors. After hours…
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#1 St. George Web Design Team

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St. George Web Design

When Innovation Simple started in January of 2007, there weren’t many web design and SEO companies in the St. George area. Now, they are starting to pop up more and more each year. Innovation Simple still remains the #1 web design and SEO team in St. George Utah for years running. There are so many people that do web design and SEO in their basement and/or do not have the technical capability to do what a full service website services company can offer such as Innovation Simple.
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