Archive for January, 2013

Attract the Right Social Media Followers

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Scott Christofferson Be Social Starting your journey in the world of social media can be an intimidating step. Facebook has over a billion members and Twitter has about half of that. The audience is there but creating a social media presence for your company means that you’re starting something new and building your presence will take time and work. There…
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Inbound Marketing:The Fundamentals [Infographic]

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What You Need to Know About Inbound Marketing Inbound marketing has been added to a lot of people’s vocabulary lately. Why? Because it encompasses what every business needs to survive: real marketing. Take a glimpse into the what, who, why, when, how, and where of inbound marketing. These basic fundamentals will not only give you insight into this necessary strategy,…
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By: Gaydon Leavitt Have You Heard About This? There is so much talk about SEO right now. It has been a whirlwind since early 2012 in the SEO space with Pandas and Penguins and the like. Chances are, if you are a business owner, you get calls from India to Pakistan to the Phillipines from middle aged men with odd…
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Chocolates, Valentines, and Content

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Chocolate Lovers If eight out of ten people love chocolate, what can we conclude? That’s easy, two people out of ten didn’t hear the question! When it comes to pleasing others on Valentines Day, a box of chocolates is a no brainer. “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt” ~Charles M Schulz (….
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Google and Social Media: A Love Story

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The Season of Love This love story starts in February (surprisingly enough) of 2003. A website called myspace (for all you young readers out there) was all the rage with teenagers, musicians, and artists of all kinds. It immediately gained the ire of most over the age of 25 due to its potty-mouthed content, but pioneered the industry nonetheless. Google…
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Advertising vs. Marketing

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By: Gaydon Leavitt Are They The Same? A wise marketing millionaire and mentor of mine has said, “I define marketing as – helping people who need each other find each other.” However, it may have been said better by Peter Drucker who said, “The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is to know and…
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How to Pick Keywords – Ask Your Customers

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How to Pick Keywords – Ask Your Customers Every business wants to rank well on Google. The higher the better. What’s harder to determine is where to rank well. True story – I did some consulting work for an accounting firm. Before I arrived, they hired a big name SEO company, paying $4,000 per month earning them the number one…
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Get to the Point

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Scott Christofferson Be Careful of Too Much Hype After weeks, months or even years of developing a new product or service it’s only natural for a company and its employees to be excited about the product launch – because with time and dedication it has become their baby, their pride and joy. And of course they want the public, their…
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Nature's Energy Jolt: Laughter

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Laugh Often I enjoy working with a group of people who regularly make me laugh. It’s like spontaneous combustion. I especially enjoy laughing when tasks are piling up and I have shifted mechanically to autopilot. Laughter makes me human again. Have you had a good laugh lately? Boost your odds for success today by laughing. In doing so you are…
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Lance Armstrong and SEO

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By: Mike Green “ Cheating Your Way to the Top The last few years have been filled with stories of sports heroes who confessed that they cheated their way to the top. We all feel heartbroken and betrayed when we find out our inspiration isn’t all that inspirational. Similarly, many in the web marketing world try to cheat their way…
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