Archive for July, 2013

Millennials and the Social Media World

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Jonathan Rose Millennials: Also known as Generation Y, is the demographic term used to identify the generation following Generation X. Although there are no precise dates for start or end, commentators use birthdates from the early 1980s to the early 2000s to describe Millennials. A Generation Born Online Did you know over 68% of Millennials get their news from social…
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The Snapchat Obsession

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Jonathan Rose What is Snapchat? Any teenager can tell you about the fun and hilarious new app designed for smart phones that has swept the nation with its popularity. The app allows users to send pictures to friends for a limited amount of viewing time (10 seconds or less). After the viewing time is up the picture is permanently deleted…
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Is Social Media Taking Over Our Lives?

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1. One thing in the world that unites us all despite our differences is Facebook. Deep within ourselves, our hope is that our friends will click their like button and post comments on our wall. 2. The differences of a “Facebook addict” and “mentally affected by the usage of Facebook”. 3. A fast way to get your neighbor or friend…
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Is Social Media Taking Over Our Lives?

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1. One thing in the world that unites us all despite our differences is Facebook. Deep within ourselves, our hope is that our friends will click their like button and post comments on our wall. 2. The differences of a “Facebook addict” and “mentally affected by the usage of Facebook”. 3. A fast way to get your neighbor or friend…
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Motivations Behind Social Media Posts

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As social media and online engagement between friends and family increase, the type of content we share among each other has molded into several different categories. With so many topics, articles and YouTube videos on the Internet, what drives an individual to share particular content with someone else? Here are some types of posts and content that we may be…
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Abstract Thinking: Tips on Going Outside “The Box”

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In business you often get rewarded for “out-of-the-box” thinking. Many companies often wish they had more creative thinkers, go-getters, and people who push against the norm to create something worth viewing. Well, what’s the problem? Why not just do that? Is there a school for creative thinking? Can you sign up for the online course “Abstract Thinking 101”? Not really….
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The Effects of Social Media in Communication

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There has been the debate of whether social media usage has taken over how we communicate with others and if it has degraded our interpersonal communication skills such as face-to-face communication between friends and loved ones. I recently read a blog article from Forbes about whether social media is ruining real communication in our world today. I found some intriguing…
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The Problem of Social Media

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Being Aware We spend a lot of time talking about the good parts of technology, and even more specifically, social media. Equally important; however, are the disadvantages and problems that come with social media. Being aware of the stereotypes and pitfalls can give you a greater edge on the competition. There seems to be two main schools of thought when…
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Linking Impersonal Social Media to Face to Face Interactions

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Jonathan Rose The habits of online customers vary widely from those of in-store shoppers. At home you can control your surroundings and perhaps be a tiny bit more rational with your purchasing. However, at-home purchasing is also so easy. All it takes is the click of the mouse before you realize you’re over spending. On the other hand, when you…
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How Can Technologies in the Classroom Help with a Student’s Education?

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Classrooms are the same as when our parents were in school with chalkboard, desks and book shelves but isn’t it time for a revamp in classrooms to get up to date with modern technology? These days, work fields are looking for candidates with computer skills and experience using software and programs in various fields of work like engineering and science….
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