Archive for September, 2014

Apple’s “Free” U2 Album Gift

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Has The Cloud System Gone Too Far? If you own an apple product and an iTunes account, congratulations. You are officially an owner of U2’s new album, Songs of Innocence. When Apple announced the iPhone 6, they also mentioned that the new U2 album would be free to all apple account holders. Little did they know that there would be…
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A Few Websites We Love and Why

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These http’s Deserve a Standing Ovation Some websites are extremely useful, others are amazing and some are just downright cool. Here are some of our favorites. Useful Websites – free teamwork without email. Great website. – same idea but with more options. After free trial it costs $50 a month. – helps you meet if you are…
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How To Become a Gold Star Employee

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Getting Ahead of the Pack So you just passed inspection and got the job, congratulations! But now, the rubber meets the road and you actually have to put those skills you’ve been honing all these years to work. So, how do you set a good standard? How do you get ahead of the pack? Don’t worry. This will help you….
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Guerilla Marketing

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Some Noteworthy Campaigns Guerilla Marketing is a more diverse and specialized form of advertising, a surprise in the dark that often delights the media and customer world. With customers being inundated constantly with advertising, brands with something different are often the ones to be noticed. It also allows the company or brand to become more experiential, and therefore more relatable….
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The Most Common Birthdays

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Ever wonder how many “birthday buddies” you might have? Since the first documented birthday invitation by Claudia Severa sometime during 100 A.D. birthdays have come a long way. Whether it was the $27.2 million-dollar birthday party for the Sultan of Brunei or the 128,238 pound birthday cake celebrating the 100th birthday of Fort Payne, Alabama, people have really learned how…
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Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

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What is it, Why does it matter, How do I do it? The goal of all marketing is to turn potential customers into paying customers, it’s that easy! But when it comes down to it the process of turning potential customers into paying customers is much easier said than done. That’s where Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) comes into play. Simply…
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Remembering September 11, 2001

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A Day Of Sadness, A Day Of Service If you read through history books you will see a personality trend among many Americans. We are resilient, brave, and strong. This day in history, 13 years ago, we lost many loved ones due to a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. It’s a day that will be recorded in history…
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How to Write the Perfect Blog Post

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Tips on Avoiding the ‘Blah’ Blog Let’s be honest for a second here. It is impossible to write a perfect blog post. But, with some work we can come pretty darn close. As the internet becomes more cluttered, we need to create content that is neat and tidy if we hope to reach our audience. The ultimate goal of blogging…
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Four Website Layouts that Make Us Cringe and Why

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What to Avoid When Building Your Website Website design is paramount in developing trust with your audience. Research shows that 94% of people cite design as a reason they do not trust certain websites. The Dictionary | On average people spend 10-15 seconds scanning a website. Your text should be scannable and easy to read. Do not firehouse your audience…
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How Social Media Has Changed Business Marketing

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Positive Effects of Online Interactions Social media is becoming increasingly important for small and large businesses. No tool is more relevant and brand forming in the marketing world. As a whole, social media has proven to be a positive component both for consumers and businesses. Social Media Levels the Playing Field Whether you are a small or large company, or…
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