Archive for October, 2014

Making Effective Use of Color on Your Website

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Color As a marketing company we understand that design is an important principle in effective marketing. And when it comes to design, color can be the hardest aspect to choose for your website. Mainly because there are so many color palettes to choose from. And with so many pallets comes too many opportunities to mix…
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Starting a Career Path After College

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How to Find an Awesome Job after Graduation Life is full of monumental steps in life, and graduating from college is one of those. You take that sigh of relief throw your hat in the air and say goodbye to semester after semester of books, tests, readings, grades etc. We at Innovation Simple know how good it feels to have…
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Profile on Top Marketing Professionals

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What Makes a Great Marketer As our world continues to evolve, technology is becoming increasingly more important in the marketing of businesses large and small. This article is aimed at highlighting some of the best marketing professionals out there to get a better sense of what makes a successful marketer. We’ll start off with Jay Baer. Author of New York…
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Why Football is Fun for Everybody

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You don’t have to be a fan of the game to enjoy the goofs. Almost all of us that work at the Innovation Simple office in Provo are college students. As such, we’re much more likely to watch a college football game than an NFL game, but here’s the thing: football season is great because whether or not you really…
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Client Profile: The Computer Connection

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A Client With a Dream and Purpose Company “When you know who, you don’t need to know how.” One of the phrases on The Computer Connection’s website that speaks to many of us. The Computer Connection helps with many different aspects of the computer. They sell computers, repair computers, and even help you learn more about computers with occasional training…
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iPhone 6 Hype

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The Truth Behind the Line One of the busiest days in the tech industry is the day that any new iPhone hits the market. The hype for the first iPhone released in 2007 was insane, analysts expected the excitement to die as future iterations of the phone were released. That prediction has yet to come fruition. Love for the iPhone…
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Best Local Haunted Houses

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Screamin, Laughin, Fun Happy October! Fall is in the air and some of Utah’s best Halloween attractions and venues open up this week. It can be a challenge to find venues that appeal to younger ages and adults. So we put together a list of our favorite venues and attractions that bring friendly screams and laughter to your family. Below…
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