Archive for March, 2010

Best SEO Company?

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Today I wanted to throw out the question of who is the best seo company? I know there are a lot of companies in the world that do seo, but there has got to be one that is known throughout the world above and beyond everyone else.

There is a website called Continue Reading »

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SEO Concert

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A lot of people ask me questions that pertain to seo as to asking me if there is one thing that makes a difference in getting higher rankings. My quickest answer is that the search engines Continue Reading »

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How To Get Better Crawling

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Recently Eric Enge of StoneTemple interviewed Google Engineer Matt Cutts and asked him several questions in regards to what Google looks at when they are crawling pages and if there are limits as to what they will crawl. One major question that was asked was Continue Reading »

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Cleaner Websites Are Easier To Use

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When working at a web design firm performing SEO you see a lot of website and browse through a lot of competitor sites as well. One of the things that I notice a lot myself is the vast array of websites that look like they were put together like abstract art, you know where you take the paint can and Continue Reading »

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Most Important Factors In SEO

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There are many factors that search engines take into consideration when trying to determine the relevance and importance of a page and a site as a whole. Google looks at over 200 factors and so today we are going to look at what are the most important factors in SEO. Continue Reading »

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Link Acquisition Websites

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SEO is always changing as more social platforms come to life and as search technology changes, however there is that mainstay – linkbuilding. Building links to a website is not only important, it is crucial. One of the best things to do is to build a website that has link acquisition built in. Continue Reading »

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