Archive for November, 2010

Cyber Monday Top Specials

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Cyber Monday is here and big retailers are making big pushes in their online marketing efforts in order to spur larger sales volumes and momentum. Retailers are seeing more and more consumers going online to make more purchases and are therefore pushing bigger sales. According to ComScore “Cyber Monday sales are expected to pass Continue Reading »

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Google Apps Extends Its Services

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Google Apps is continuing its growth to make online collaboration and cloud computing more of a mainstream in the way mostly businesses conduct business. Google Apps has made the move in extending its services to where Google Apps users can now use Continue Reading »

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Keyword Money Matrix

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When we do Keyword Research for clients as we begin an SEO campaign, it is crucial that we find the “money” words or the words that will generate ROI for the client in their particular SEO campaign.

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Love Ms Dixie

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St. George Utah is a great place to live, visit for tourist, recreation, go to school and a whole lot more. There is so much that St. George Utah has to offer that it can sometimes be hard to know everything. Here is a video of Ms Dixie Continue Reading »

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Attention – Unmatched Web Hosting is Here

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As of November 1, 2010, Innovation Simple officially launched the biggest and most meaningful upgrade in our hosting service in the history of the company. The upgrade will essentially mean the capability to grow exponentially for years to come in the hosting business and will dramatically increase our unique selling proposition. Continue Reading »

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