Archive for December, 2011

WordPress Plugins for SEO

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WordPress Plugins to Help With SEO With the numbers of existing blogs surpassing 120 million, how do people find YOUR content on the Internet? The key starts with great search engine optimization (SEO), an art and a science that helps search engines discover your content and understand how relevant it is to specific search queries. Today, WordPress has become one…
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Internet Marketing

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Internet Marketing | The Way of the Future What is Internet Marketing? With the rise in the number of people who are using the Internet, new marketing channels have opened up, making way for more cost effective lead generation strategies. The Internet has become an increasingly important influence on the lives of everyday people, in some ways even overtaking television…
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Top 20 Most Profitable Industries

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Top 20 Industries Based on Profitability When doing business with other businesses (B2B), its important to note what types of verticals or industries will provide the best market for your product. The data below represents the top 20 most profitable verticals within the past 5 years. Compare this list to your marketing plan and evaluate whether any of these verticals…
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Social Media Networking

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How to Network Using Social Media Social media and social bookmarking are ways to transmit or share information with a broad audience. Any business has the capacity to benefit greatly from social media, but how? What are some ways that businesses can network with their desired audiences? Social media networking is an act of engagement. Groups of people with common…
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Image Alt Tag Optimization

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The Importance of Optimizing Image Alt Tags The alt attribute of an image is intended to inform a website visitor of the subject matter of that image if (for whatever reason) the image doesn’t load or isn’t usable by the searcher. This means that the text is meant to be used when the image is not visible on the page….
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Developing an Online Business Using SEO

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Using SEO in Creating Your Online Business The role of certain developmental programs for helping any business to flourish cannot be underestimated. An inability to run a developmental program for your business will land you in a position where it becomes impossible to make that business a reliable income generator. The same is true for the online business. An online…
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Earning Respect in Social Media

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How to Earn Respect in the World of Social Media In Social Media, communities take the form of social networks and the communal groups within them. Through those networks, people establish associations, friendships, and allegiances around content, objects, products, services, and ideas. How they communicate is simply subject to the tools and networks that people adopt based on the influence…
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How to Train a Link Builder

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Training a Link Builder | A Special Breed of SEO Link Building Defined Link building is the process of increasing the traffic on a particular website. It is part of search engine optimizing. It specializes in linking to other websites and categorizing those links into directories. Website owners can submit their site to many of these directories. Link building marks…
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Managing SEO

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SEO Management Made Easy There is no wonder your competitors fight for top rankings to the last drop of blood. Outranking some 10,000+ other websites in your niche bare-handed is no picnic. The helping hand you need is SEO management. It makes SEO smooth, even for a greenie, and really does help in pushing you up to that first rank….
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Content Writing

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Content Writing | Why is it so Important? In simple terms, content writing can be defined as writing material for websites. The internet has become an indispensible part of everybody’s life style. People refer to internet resources to get information about everything pertaining to new company products, services, locations….you name it. The web has information on just about anything. Content…
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