Archive for July, 2013

Video Advertisements’ Draw Emotional Appeal

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Whenever you watch a commercial on TV or online, you are bound to be either informed or entertained; and that’s the intent of the advertiser. But another strategy that businesses have used to reach their audience is emotionally charged video ads. With countless video ads on YouTube and company webpages, there are few commercials that touch the viewer’s heart by…
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Digital Immigrant vs. Digital Native

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There are two prevailing schools of experience when it comes to technology: digital immigrants and digital natives. This post addresses who each one is, and how it applies to your business and digital needs. Digital Immigrant This group consists of anyone who can remember life without the Internet and other similar technologies. You’re looking at the early 90s and backwards….
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Top 5 Online Marketing Tactics for 2013

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1) Email Marketing The number one reason for why this tactic works is because of the fact that it still generates sales, influences customers and boosts brand recognition. For this marketing tactic, companies should provide customers with information that is resourceful and relevant. Contests, coupons, and other special offers can also create good support with your contacts. Don’t forget that…
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Fitness Marketing Strategies to Generate More Customers

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Staying healthy and physically fit is a luxury that most people can’t afford to include in their budget. Health clubs and gyms are struggling to retain members as customers are finding alternative ways to stay in shape instead of paying for a gym membership. Here are some marketing strategies for those wanting to generate more customers in the fitness industry:…
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Why Relationship Marketing is Essential for Your Social Media Presence

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In the social media world, building a relationship with your fan base or customer pool is important to engage and inform them of news, updates or fun facts about your business. There are some things to do to create great relationship marketing with those you are targeting in your business. Here are a few. Create Awareness Creating awareness of your…
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The Importance of Meta Titles and Descriptions

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Jake Wixom #TaggingYourWebsite Simply put, meta titles and descriptions (meta tags) are to a website as an engine is to an automobile. They give each page power and purpose and are used by search engines to determine what each page on your website is about and how it relates to what the search engine users are searching for. Use the…
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Should You Still Consider Traditional Marking as a Resource?

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Jake Wixom The Pros and Cons of “Old-School” Marketing Now that social media marketing has become so important to businesses, especially those that sell products online, many business owners are beginning to question using traditional marketing sources like television, radio, and print media. Small business owners are especially interested in dropping traditional media because it costs them a lot more…
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Tips on Getting a HARO Reporter to Choose Your Content

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Jake Wixom “I Can Be Your HARO” Help a Reporter Out (HARO) is considered one of North America’s fastest-growing services for publicity. HARO was founded in 2008, and as of today, thousands of news sources, bloggers and reporters communicate daily, promoting their services, products and brands. Statistics prove that more than seven million pitches have been made since HARO launched….
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Could Ranking in Google Images Boost your Web Traffic?

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Jake Wixom Is it worth your time? While everyone knows getting ranked on the first page of Google search results is a must to get traffic to your website, few SEO experts have talked about Google Image search. What does Google Images do for your business, and is it worth trying to get ranked in the top ten or twenty…
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The Different Features of HootSuite, SocialOomph, and Tweetdeck

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Jake Wixom Get Organized About It! Social media marketing has become almost vital to a business’s success, especially now that so many people are on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and other social media sites. With these sites becoming so popular, it’s no surprise that some third-party sites and programs have also become popular. In addition to allowing you to post…
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