Archive for September, 2013

Naming Your Business

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Tyler Carter The Importance of a Name When it comes to starting a business in today’s market, the name of your business can have a huge impact on initial and long term success. There are many ideas and theories about how to name your business and what kinds of names are best. While there is no set-in-stone way to name…
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Our Home, St George, UT

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Tyler Carter Beautiful St George St George is the place that Innovation Simple calls home. It is a place rich in beauty, history and culture. It would do us all well to get to know St. George a little better. The first known inhabitants of the area now known as St George, were the Virgin River Anasazi and the Pauite…
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The Scoop on Infographics

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If you’ve been on the Internet even ten times in the past two years, you’ve probably seen an infographic. Infographics come in all colors and sizes, but you can usually recognize an infographic by its shape; it’s that long, vertical image that shares all sorts of data (including charts, maps, statistics, etc.) in a colorfully designed image. But why use…
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Aero – Local AND Recordable TV Service Online

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Jake Wixom Welcome to Utah, Aero. Aero, a relatively new, online television service, has recently launched its services in Salt Lake City and is now available throughout all of Utah. On August 19, 2013, Utah became the newest addition to the Aero community. The Salt Lake City area (as well as the rest of Utah) was chosen because of its…
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YouTube Video Optimization for Musicians

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Musicians will always look for ways to share their work with their fans and the world. In this day and age, social media and the Internet have been the path for musicians to get their music out with no additional cost. This is done through using simple marketing tactics such as YouTube video optimization. Keywords Just like search engine optimization,…
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Everything You Actually Need to Know About Google Fiber

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Let’s be honest, when Google Fiber was announced in Provo most of us had to do a quick Internet search to find out what that even meant. (No, it’s not a dietary supplement provided by Google.) But even now, nearly six months after the announcement, most of us are still scratching our heads. Where is this promised Google Fiber? When…
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The Provo Rec Center

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Jake Wixom The New Facility After years of anxious anticipation, the citizens of Provo now enjoy their own, state-of-the-art recreation facility. Not only is the building refreshingly original in appearance, but it is also incredibly functional. Thanks to the sheer massiveness of it, the rec center is able to offer an abundance of space dedicated to an enormous variety of…
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Building a Brand Identity

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Check out these simple tips that will help you build a more successful brand identity! These tips come straight from our office expert, Jared Barfuss! Don’t wait to improve your brand identity!

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Guerrilla Marketing Campaigns For Small Companies

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Disclaimer: If your company can’t afford to take risks, this won’t benefit you. Otherwise, proceed with an open mind and learn about implementing a guerrilla marketing campaign. As risky as it may be for a small company to make some noise in its respective city or region, some industries such as financial and insurance services should avoid this. Guerrilla marketing…
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The History of Labor Day

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Jake Wixom A Little Lesson in History Maybe you’re like me and you’ve wondered about the origins of some of our nation’s holidays. While we’ve always enjoyed the day off from work and school, many of us have never known the actual story behind Labor Day. The American Working Man…and Woman…and Child The first Monday of every September marks a…
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