Archive for October, 2013

Spotify: Revolutionizing How We Do Music

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Growing up with a love for music in the 90s often meant waking up on Saturdays to listen to the top 40 on the radio, or dialing up your local radio station to ask them to play your favorite song, which you couldn’t actually hear otherwise. But the 21st century has evolved music listening entirely. Going to the store to…
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Four Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do on Facebook

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Learn More Than Just the Basics You’re probably pretty familiar with Facebook. You know how to stalk your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, post photos, “Like” posts, join a group, create an event, etc. BUT here are four things that you may not know. I know I didn’t know about them. Four Facebook Tips 1. Post Embedding: Facebook lets you embed a post from…
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How to Save Time at a Boring Conference

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We’ve all been in a conference that just won’t end. Sometimes I think the business world thrives off coffee, paper clips, and 2 hour discussions that should only take 15 minutes. If I thought it were possible, I would write about how to end these time wasting “discussions”. Unfortunately I do not think it’s possible. There will always be someone…
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Best Eats in Provo

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Jake Wixom Three Personal Favorites You probably wouldn’t think of Provo as one of those big “food” towns, loaded with quirky little restaurants and hole-in-the-wall diners that become world famous, would you? You may be surprised, however, at the fantastic variety and great quality of the food in our little Provo. As a university town, it has developed an impressive…
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Successful Marketing Strategy For Companies To Try

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Incorporating successful marketing strategies for your business takes an innovative mind and thinking outside the box to effectively reach potential customers and meeting their needs. I have researched some solutions for companies to try in their marketing plans. 1. Infographics should have accurate information and be collaborated with experienced data journalists and a unique and informative story behind your infographic…
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Halloween: Where Did it Come from Anyway?

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Scott Christofferson From the Beginning So it’s almost October 31st which means we’ll soon be celebrating Halloween. But where does the holiday come from? It all started in Europe more than 2,000 years ago by a group of people called the Celts. They celebrated the end of summer on November 1st and thought that ghosts visited the living on October…
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Giving it Away for Free

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There is a new trend in modern society – people give content away for free. Why? How can you make money if you give away your products and services for free? Is it possible to be lucrative and giving at the same time? Of course it is! We live in a day and age where watching music videos, television, and…
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Halloween in Utah Valley

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In the last week and a half before Halloween, costumes are on everyone’s mind. Whether you are finishing putting your costume together or frantically thinking of ideas, it’s likely you’re spending a fair amount of time thinking about how you’ll dress up. So when you think about the hours that you’ve put or plan on putting into your costume, it…
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Marketing Case Studies

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Jake Wixom Image Isn’t Everything… Or Is It? We all know that first impressions are important, and this is partly because they only come once. In business, a first impression is often all you get. A billboard alongside the freeway, a 30 second spot on TV, a small ad in a newspaper; we do a lot to carefully shape the…
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How To Get More Twitter Followers

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When I first started using Twitter, I never thought how important it was to tweet daily and I never did figure out how to get followers. I always thought it was all about following other Twitter users and tweeting about various topics, hoping that someone would start following me. It never has turned out that way since I’ve used Twitter…
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