Archive for November, 2013

Gourmet Grilled Cheese

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Grilled cheese may be the greatest comfort food of all time. I remember eating grilled cheese and tomato soup with crackers in it on rainy days while my mom told me to close my mouth while I chewed. I’ve come a long way since then and can now chew with my mouth closed. I can even use a napkin correctly….
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It’s Movember

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You may have noticed already but it IS Movember. Heard of this tradition/movement? Or have you at least seen an increase in the number of mustaches around? The organization is “havin’ fun doin’ good”. It’s main goal is to get men to grow mustaches during the month of November with the goal to raise funds for men’s health programs. Movember…
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Travel: Instanbul

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Here at Innovation Simple we are trying to shake things up. We want our blog to be something you might actually share with someone else. For that reason this post will not address marketing or web design. We are going to talk about travel. I love to travel. I have spent far too much money on travel in the past…
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Dads Are the Original Hipsters

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The book Dads Are the Original Hipsters really nailed it when it comes to understanding many contemporary music, fashion, and lifestyle interests of young people in the 21st century. It’s become something of a badge of honor to look back and see what concerts your dad was attending or what shoes he was wearing in the 60s, 70s, and 80S….
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Music Monday: "Zone" Music

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Jake Wixom Here at Innovation Simple we spend a pretty good amount of time each day behind a computer…obviously. Anyone who has worked in a similar environment knows that good music can do wonders to help keep things interesting as well as help to keep the creative juices flowing. The idea is to find music that is subtle enough to…
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5 Technology Inventions I am Grateful for This Year

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1. Pebble Watch – Make life simpler by receiving notifications on your watch via Bluetooth. You’ll receive inbound calls, texts, tweets or can shuffle through your music playlist all on your wrist. No more having to take out your cell phone every now and then while you’re on the run. Let’s hope this Kickstarter project turned reality becomes a hot…
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Stand Out On LinkedIn

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Be Sure to Stand Out On LinkedIn there are great profiles, okay profiles and horrible profiles. But we don’t need to discuss the okay and horrible profiles. Today we’ll be discussing a few things that will help you to have a great profile – tips that will help you land your next job! It really isn’t enough to just fill…
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Welcome to Facebook. Everyone is Here.

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My mother is on Facebook. It feels like everyone is. My grandmother has a Facebook profile and she’s 92. That sums up the underlying power Facebook holds in the marketing world. In yesteryear you could only find certain key publics and markets through social media. Now you can find everyone in one place. But is Facebook the marketing tool that…
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Instagram #Hashtags for Everyday of the Week

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For those who are Instagram users, I wanted to take a moment to go over the hashtags that have been popular and trending in the social media field for everyday of the week. Monday For those who dislike Mondays, #MondayBlues has over 80,000 posts on Instagram from those individuals who post things that show “this day sucks” – from spilled…
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Tweet Your Thanksgiving

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If your family Thanksgiving get-togethers are anything like mine, you’ve got dads telling bad jokes (sorry, Dad), teenagers tuning out with earphones, and toddlers fighting over toys while running around the kitchen. Sound familiar? Well, it’s easy enough to remove yourself from the family holiday world by pulling out your phone and entering your own little social media world, but…
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