Performance Marketing Blog

The latest from the marketing managed team.

Innovation Simple Blog

Jul 10, 2008

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Payment Gateways

Posted in : Uncategorized

* We specialize in e-commerce solutions for small to medium-sized companies. * We offer a merchant account with some of the lowest rates found nearly anywhere.

Jul 10, 2008

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Shopping Carts

Posted in : Uncategorized

Zen Cart truly is the art of e-commerce. A user-friendly, open source shopping cart system. There are many shopping cart programs but none come close to offering the level of options, features and support available with Zen Cart. Even commercial programs have a hard time competing. Features:

Jun 30, 2008

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New Vegas Web Design sites!

Posted in : Uncategorized

Three of our most recently finished websites are: Commercial Real Estate of St George – This site is for a commercial real estate agent in St George, Utah. They sell through NAI Southern Utah a worldwide company.

Jun 13, 2008

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Posted in : Uncategorized

Have you ever wondered how a website put a little picture in the address bar? That little picture is a favicon which is short for Favorites Icon.

Jun 11, 2008

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Blog Setup & Plugins

Posted in : Uncategorized

Setting up your Blog Choosing what blog to setup and setting up that blog can be difficult for those who haven’t done it before. If the blog you choose has plugins, then choosing what plugins to install is also a difficult decision for many bloggers.

Javascript Fade vs Flash

Posted in : Uncategorized

Recently while browsing the internet we noticed that websites are getting flashier. We also noticed that there are two ways to make a website flashier, those ways are Adobe Flash or Javascript. On our sites we usually use javascript because with flash

May 15, 2015

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5 Steps to Better, More Creative Ideas

Posted in : Uncategorized

Strong, powerful ideas are the lifeblood of a successful company. Businesses are born from the spark of an idea, grow with the help of creative problem solving, and flourish through innovative marketing strategies.Sometimes it seems that the ability to come up with great ideas is a gift you simply have to be born with. But while creativity does come naturally…
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May 11, 2015

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4 Ways to Grab Attention in Online Marketing

Posted in : Uncategorized

Right now this blog has only 3 seconds to grab your attention. Why? Because we live we live in the “3 second generation” where online marketing must peak interest immediately or the reader will move onto something else. And if you’ve made it just this far than the blog has successfully surpassed the 3-second rule.So now that I have your attention let’s…
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Dec 6, 2014

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Fun in the Snow

Posted in : Uncategorized

A Look at the Best Snow in Utah this Month If you live in Utah you probably should accept the fact that in most areas of the state during winter it is cold and snowy.Although this could be looked at as a dismal time of year, if you take a look around, accept the snow, and find ways to enjoy…
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