Performance Marketing Blog

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Innovation Simple Blog

Nov 20, 2014

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Putting You In Charge of What You Watch Perhaps you are a parent trying to monitor better what your children see in movies, or maybe you yourself don’t want to see nudity, hear cursing and experience violent scenes. If you are one of these people you have probably had the experience of watching a trailer for a movie that looks…
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Nov 19, 2014

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Web Design Tips

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5 Basics to Remember Your website may be the first impression a consumer has of your company. Make sure the impression is positive by remembering these basic designing tips: Think Simplicity Someone looking at your page should know the purpose of your site within seconds. Keep the formatting clear, the writing straightforward, and the graphics undistracting. Stay Up-To-Date Eliminate any…
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Nov 18, 2014

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How to Be a Better Budgeter

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More Zeros Means More Security Being a better budgeter isn’t necessarily about making more money, but managing the money and resources you already possess. Here are some practical tips you can try today to help you feel more confident about your money making decisions. First | Don’t Spend More Than You Make This seems obvious, yet the national US household…
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Nov 17, 2014

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How to Learn From Your Competitors

Posted in : Uncategorized

Making you stronger! Business can be tough. Trying to start up a new business can be even more tough. You have to have a big idea. But having a good idea is simple not enough, you then have to get others to believe in your idea to raise the capital needed to start production. Once you have an idea and…
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Nov 15, 2014

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How To Prep for Thanksgiving

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The Countdown to Turkey Day As the holiday season begins to ramp up, here are some great hacks to help you through the madness. Online Shopping Skip the lines, shop online. In the past four years, online shopping–commonly known as eCommerce–has grown immensely. One trillion dollars to be exact (1,000,000,000–just in case you forgot how many zeros are in one…
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