Archive for October, 2008

Have A Guarantee

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Having a guarantee can dramatically increase sales. People who are shopping online like to do business the same way as offline. They like to do business with a company that stands by their product or service. Continue Reading »

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Laying Out Website Navigation

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When laying out the navigation of a website it is tempting to stuff keywords in there. Do not do this as it is not eye appealing to users. In your main navigation you will want it to be as easy as possible to follow. Here is what you do not want it to look like. Continue Reading »

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Building A Keyword List

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The most important thing in marketing in the search engines is having a good keyword list. So how do you start to build a keyword list that will properly tell visitors what you offer and most importantly bring you more customers. Continue Reading »

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Decrease Eye Miles

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When someone visits a website their eyes have to travel around the screen to find and access the data that is on the screen. The more the eyes move around trying to find things the more tired they get. Your eyes have Continue Reading »

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