Archive for April, 2009

Signs That Your Website Sucks

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As many internet users browse through the web they find a lot of websites. There are a lot of websites that stink and users know that as they browse through the web. Here are some signs that your website sucks: Continue Reading »

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SEO Honeymoon Phase

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When trying to get a website to rank well in the search engines one of the things that every webmaster must deal with is the different phases that a search engine will put a website through. Most new websites will go into what is called the Honeymoon Phase. Continue Reading »

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Website vs. Webpage

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The Difference – Websites vs. Web Pages

There have been many times that I have spoken to people and as I talk to them it is quick to point out that they do not know the difference between Continue Reading »

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Tree Like Structure

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At Innovation Simple, we recommend and consult our clients to typically create a “tree like structure” with the layout of their website pages/links.

This means that the user comes in to the home page and is generally given a few options to try to filter them to the correct portion of the website for their needs. After the user finds themselves in that place, they then get more options related to that topic. After they click another link, then it gets deeper into that topic, thereby creating a tree-like structure as briefly shown below (image by Wikipedia): Continue Reading »

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Google Lime Scholarship

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Google is continually looking to improve the way they can help not only the online world with the way they gather information for their search engine, but also continually helping the offline world. Google has partnered with Continue Reading »

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Posting Hours of Operation

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One of the most important aspects of a brick and mortar business is posting the hours of operation. This is by far one of the most often asked questions asked by customers of potential businesses is calling the company to know when they are open. Continue Reading »

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Marketing Inconsistently

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Internet marketing has been one of the marketing mediums that has continued to explode as the internet has become more popular. When it comes to any type of marketing one of the biggest mistakes people make is Continue Reading »

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