Archive for December, 2009

Add To The Conversation

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The internet is becoming a lot more of a social and networking platform which enables more than just webmasters to be involved, but everyone no matter what their background, religion, gender, location, or any thing else. In point the question now is not what can the web do for me, but Continue Reading »

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Google Keeping The Traffic

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Google is world renowned as the #1 search engine and they have continued to dominate the search market for over a decade. They pride themselves on giving users what they want and search for by giving them answers by sending them to websites that can do that. Google has made some changes in their Continue Reading »

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SEO is a Popularity Contest

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SEO, search engine optimizaton, is the art of taking a webpage and optimizing it so that it will rank higher in the search engines for a particular keyword phrase. One of the most important factors that search engines look at to determine the importance of a page is the popularity of the page.

This involves how much Continue Reading »

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Stick To The Fundamentals

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After doing marketing for a while it is easy to sometimes get caught up in the latest technique in the most recent blog posts or the best software to use or who to even follow. In sports they call fans that jump from team to team a fairweather fan because they are not loyal to one particular team.

In marketing online there are so many Continue Reading »

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If You Want It Go Get It

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It has been said over and over that great unique content is KING when it comes to the web, however search engines also not only read on page content but also depend on looking at links to a document to determine its relevance and importance. The most beneficial type of inbound link to a page are those that Continue Reading »

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