Archive for August, 2010

Creating A Business Networking Event

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The Twelve Step Program… Creating an Event worth drinking to!

Business events serve many a purpose; it could be to celebrate a business milestone, welcome new staff, launch a sale or simply spread some good will. Whatever the occasion, when you can’t afford an event planner and publicist, there are 12 simple steps to make sure your event is memorable and successful. Continue Reading »

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Google Real Time Search Has A New Home

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Real time search has been a hot topic over the last few years since Twitter has taken the spotlight on gathering information on the web as it happens. With Google being the #1 search engine in the world they have been trying to improve their search platform to enable real time search results. Google has now given their real time search feature a new home on Continue Reading »

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Yahoo's Organic Search Now Powered By Bing

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After months of testing and debugging Microsoft’s Bing search engine platform has now officially taken over Yahoo’s organic search on August 24th 2010. Yahoo’s web, images, and videos search in the United States and Canada English speaking is now powered by Bing technology with more markets and languages to come.

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Dragging Files From Gmail

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Dragging files around from one application to another makes it real easy to organize and be more productive. Google is continually improving their Gmail and Google Apps products to improve productivity.

Google Apps has now added the ability to not only attach files by dragging them into Gmail, they have no added the ability to drag files out of Gmail to your desktop or other folders. Right now this ability is only available in Google Chrome. Continue Reading »

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The Importance Of Corporate Blogs

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Blogging is not new, however there are still a large amount of the business population that does not understand the power blogging can have for a corporation. Today we are going to go over some reasons why a company should have a corporate blog.

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How To Make YouTube Videos Auto-Play

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There are several reasons of why you would want to upload videos to YouTube and then embed the YouTube video on your website. From a marketing perspective you get the ability to upload content to a powerful website with a lot of authority in the search engines eyes, the ability to publish your videos in front of a large audience and use YouTube’s servers to host your content.

There are several tricks you can do when uploading YouTube videos and one of them is Continue Reading »

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Local SEO – How To Get More Local Citations

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When performing Local SEO (search engine optimization) or as some say the art of getting ranked higher in Google Maps there are several things that you have to do and one of them is to get citations. Citations are resources or when some other site lists your company or mentions your company.

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SEOMoz New Web App In Beta

Published under Uncategorized on has released a new web app that will help to track the marketing campaigns for websites. This is the first step in making all of the SEOMoz tools available all in one platform instead of having to use multiple tools in different place to extract the data.

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GMail Updates Its Contacts Features

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Gmail has made some new changes recently and the big one is the change they have made to the contacts. A lot of people have been asking Google to update the way Gmail shows its contacts and features of how to show, sort and edit contacts. Now the contacts in Gmail is more Continue Reading »

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Greet Box WordPress Plugin

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There are many many reasons on why to use WordPress and here is just another one of those reasons. Personalization is a big topic these days on the internet especially when it comes to making your website users feel a Continue Reading »

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