Archive for December, 2010

Google Looks At Social Data For Ranking

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google and bing logos
Google’s Matt Cutts has confirmed recently that Google is now looking at Twitter and Facebook links and profile reputation as ranking signals mostly for realtime search but also now for web search results. In May of 2010 Matt Cutts said that Google did not look at Twitter or Facebook links as signals for rankings which they did not at that time. Now in December Google’s Matt Cutts has made a video on the Webmaster YouTube Channel where he is saying that they do.

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Beware of the "Unlimited Hosting Plan"

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The Primary Issue

5 years ago (or so), unlimited hosting was virtually non-existent. The reason it was non-existent is because there is a finite amount of traffic and space that a web server can handle. Fast forward to 2010, all major shared hosting providers have “unlimited hosting plans”, however, there is no change is the way that hosting works. There is still a finite amount of disk space and bandwidth that a server can handle (even a cloud server). Continue Reading »

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Consistency Is Key In Marketing

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In marketing, there is a wide variety of fatal mistakes that small businesses commonly make. Perhaps one of the most common is inconsistency. A lot of small businesses make this mistake in that their corporate identity does not match or follow the same design or message as does the other marketing that they produce. We see it all over the small business world – logos that do not match websites and business cards that do not match logos. Too often, when you visit a company’s website, you feel like you may be at the wrong website because the identity is not consistent with the business cards you have in your hand nor the sign you saw on their building.

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Smartphones Taking Over In 2011

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google's mobile operating system android Smartphones are beginning to get more hype as time goes on and more and more companies are looking to sell more smartphones than ever before. Google has made huge moves in their mobile operating system Android. They went from having 30,000 activations a day to over Continue Reading »

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Calling Phones In Gmail Free 2011

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Google rolled out a new feature in Gmail in August 2010 that allowed users to call phones from within the Gmail interface for FREE in the United States and Canada until 2010. Now Google has been bit by the Christmas spirit and is now offering Continue Reading »

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Google Instant In Google Chrome

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Google is continually improving the way they speed up the web and the big focus the search giant is working on is providing results as you type. They have taken this technology of providing search results as you type and incorporated it into Continue Reading »

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Dr. Tim's Juices Gets A Makeover

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Dr. Tim Hollingshead is the founder and owner of Dr. Tim’s Juices which is a company that specializes in making healthy exotic drinks that are designed to improve the body with organic super fruits. Dr. Tim’s Juices can be purchased in retail stores and Continue Reading »

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