Archive for April, 2011

Good Web Designer Makes Bad SEO

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A couple of questions for you… Are you right or left handed? Are you right or left brained? Its almost always true that people are better at using one hand or the other correct? Its also almost always true that people are better at using one side of their brain versus the other side of their brain. Enter web designers…
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Google Releases Toolbar 7

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Google is releasing their new Google Toolbar 7 which incorporates Google Instant for Internet Explorer. Toolbar Instant provides user the same power that you can see if you use or if you are using Google Chrome with the omnibox. Continue Reading »

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Google Autocomplete Gives More Predictions

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Google has been working feverishly on streamlining the way they show their search results by having results show up as you type. Autocomplete is a feature within the Google algorithm that provides predicted searches as a searcher is typing. With the team of Google Instant and Autocomplete working together in Google they provide Continue Reading »

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The Value Of A Good Logo – Part I – History Of Nike Logo

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So you’re starting a new business, and you’re looking for a way to keep your start-up costs down. You should:

  1. Work out of the basement to avoid paying rent
  2. Build a staff consisting of all of your children, Aunt Martha and the town drunk
  3. Skimp on a logo

Answer: None of these are recommended, but if you have to choose, DON’T SKIMP ON THE LOGO! Consider the following:

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Customize Gmail With Personalized Backgrounds

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Gmail has continually made improvements to the functionality of the software and on occasion they improve the software so you can customize the look with different themes. To change themes in Gmail you can go to settings and click on themes, from there you can choose from various themes that Gmail has put in there.

Now Gmail has customized their create your own theme to where you can upload new pictures.

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You Who?

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Random Facts About Video Here are some random facts about internet video that ANY business owner MUST know – especially a business owner that has a website. According to ComScore, in November 2010, Google Sites once again ranked as the top U.S. video property with nearly 5.1 billion videos viewed (representing a 40 percent share of all videos viewed), with…
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1-Novelty Phones Launches New Look

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1-Novelty Phones is pleased to announce the new look to their website at They came to Innovation Simple to have us redesign and develop their website along with moving the website to our hosting. Before coming to Innovation Simple 1-Novelty Phones had their website hacked into and was infiltrated with malware, thus certain pages on the website were not…
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We Have A New Software Engineer

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Innovation Simple is continually growing in order to adapt to the ever changing market of web design and web development. The technology industry is growing at a rapid pace and Innovation Simple is on the cutting edge. We have hired a new software engineer named Continue Reading »

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