Archive for June, 2011

Ways To Create Linkbait

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One of the best ways to generate more interest in your blog is through creating pillar posts or link bait posts. These are posts that get other people to link to you and help you in the search engines. It is well known fact that Links play a crucial role in determining the success of an online business. This is…
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Google Redesigns Top Of Website

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Google has been notorious for not making big design changes, but when they do they are generally due to keep things consistent and better usability. The latest design change that Google has made is adding a black strip along the top of their website.

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SEO Factors

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How Do I Rank High in Google?

At Innovation Simple, we help websites rank high in Google. Lots of people ask Innovation Simple what factors Google looks at when deciding where a web page ranks in search engines. There is a basic list that we can discuss with clients in terms of factors to consider. If I were to narrow it down to 5 things, they would be:
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Facebook vs. Google

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Facebook vs. Google

One of the big topics in internet marketing in 2011 is the “battle” between Facebook and Google. Google is admitedly scared of Facebook and undoubtedly wishes they had come up with Facebook. Currently, Facebook gets 1 out of every 3 clicks in the online media buy industry. In other words, in terms of buying ad space on other websites, Facebook is king! If you are a Facebook user, it would seem obvious at this point that the ads are prevalent and being purchased by small and large businesses across the world.
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Basic Elements Of A Successful SEO Campaign

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Having an effective SEO (Search Engine Optimization) campaign is critical to the success of every internet enterprise. In order to successfully complete all tasks required in a comprehensive SEO campaign, it is helpful to organize those various tasks and tactics into relevant categories. This allows us to have an organized approach to consistently addressing all elements of an SEO campaign. It also allows us to describe SEO in a way that people can understand and serves as the foundation for a Continue Reading »

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Design vs. Decoration

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What is the difference between design and decoration? Can these words be used interchangeably? And how do these terms relate to your current website? The short answer is that there are key differences between design and decoration, and understanding the differences can have huge implications for your website. Has your site been “designed” or “decorated”? Design Design is the process…
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How To Create Brand Awareness On Facebook

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Internet marketing is the promotion of products and services on the web. This form of marketing has many advantages over traditional methods, including lower cost and the ability to reach a wider audience. Because the web combines aspects of television, radio and print media, it’s value to a marketing campaign is superior to other media choices, especially when cost is…
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Wyoming Transitions To Google Apps

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Google Apps has increased its offerings for small businesses, education facilities and government institutions. The state of Wyoming has a lot of first and now they are the first state to completely switch over to Google Apps. With this being set up the entire state, which has over 10,000 employees will all share a common email, calendar, documents, sites and other Google products. Continue Reading »

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Consumers Are Always Connected

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The times have changed in the way consumers research and shop around in order to get the best product at the best price. When I was young I remember going all around town from store to store in order to find a pair of shoes that felt good and was affordable for my Mom. Continue Reading »

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Benefits Of Keeping Your Website Updated

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Your website is your image on the web. That image is extremely important because it’s the first impression people get of you or your organization. The importance of keeping your website up-to-date cannot be stressed enough, as this will determine what type of image you present. Continue Reading »

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