Archive for November, 2012

Online Shopping Statistics

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By: Mike Green Cyber Monday You survived turkey day and the subsuquent shopping frenzy known as “Black Friday”. After sleeping off your coffee binge, you geared up for yet another huge shopping day – Cyber Monday. Never heard of it? It’s the first work day after the long Thanksgiving weekend that has traditionally been a huge online shopping day. Retailers…
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Insight to Digital Content

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Why does digital marketing require quality content, human voice, and financial investment? Because content marketing including social media is highly sought after: 1) It’s the buzz, 2) It is affordable, and 3) It provides easy access to many people across multiple technological platforms. Consider digital marketing as a key dynamic of your well designed marketing strategy. How might you improve…
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Brave the Crowd: 10 Speaking Tips to Fearless

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Scenario: Your efforts have contributed extensively to company market share. Senior executives have invited you to present during an upcoming annual convention. When this happens to you, will you be ready? Will you be calm and collected, prepared to address the crowd? Or will your blood pressure go up! Many speakers likely experience dry mouth, a racing heart rate, and…
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How to Build a Rockstar Social Media Following

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In this post, I want to share how you build a rockstar social media following on social media sites. Brand building is a huge part of social media marketing. I will break this down into 6 steps. Step 1 Identify the top goals for the social media strategy. Goals could include (but are not limited to): engagement, number of followers,…
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Why We Launched Provo? When we were discussing how to move our company forward with a greater foothold in northern Utah, we were discussing two primary markets: Salt Lake and Provo (or Utah County). Human Capital The main reason that we chose to go to Utah County was human capital. We had better access to talent in Provo than in…
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Thinking Outside of the BoxWhen Link Building

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Inbound Marketing vs. Internet Marketing A lot of SEO’s mention the importance of practicing “unique” inbound marketing activities and thinking outside of the box when performing research, writing content, and building links to that content. For some reason, Internet marketers have put their heads in the sand. Where has the personality gone? Where is the genuine human-to-human interaction? Inbound marketers…
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3 Free Tools for PowerfulPinterest Marketing

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Keeping Up with Your Audience Pinterest is the third most popular social network in the United States, offering marketers a variety of opportunities to extend their business and get a larger reach to a greater audience. For those with limited time, there is good news. In this post I will share 3 powerful Pinterest marketing tools that are absolutely free!…
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What to Expect From Social Media

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Why Social Media Why would you consider something like social media for your business? Many seasoned business owners have asked themselves this question over the past few years. The social space seems to be filled with primarily two groups. The small startup business that is doing social media because they can’t afford to pay for anything else for marketing, and…
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Business Networking 101

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Dive in. Get networking and grow your business. Great, but what is networking? Let’s begin with what business networking is not. It is not purchasing a list of leads, cold calling them, and touting your business prowess. There is no short road to networking. Its getting out of the office. Its getting to know people, establishing trust, and finding a…
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