Archive for December, 2012

2013 Year of Change

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By: Mike Green Bring On 2013 From all of us at Innovation Simple, we’d like to wish you a happy and prosperous 2013. We’re all hoping for stability in the economy and that the buyers return. In the meantime, its all the more important to make wise marketing decisions in 2013. We cannot rely on any factors other than our…
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What to say | How to say it

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Words Matter In politics words matter. In fact, in politics, words seem to be at least 50% of the game. In handling marketing for small businesses, one of the most common issues that we encounter is that they don’t know how to talk about themselves. That is such a bit problem because 50% of marketing is what to say and…
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The Best Kept Lead Generation Secret – Part 1 of 2

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The Best Kept Lead Generation Secret The strategy I’m about to reveal is so simple, powerful, and obvious, it must be a secret. Why else would it be so underutilized? Done right, this method produces the best kind of leads, takes relatively little effort and financial investment, and continues to deliver a residual flow of hot inbound leads. But I’ll…
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King: Content or Conversion?

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CONTENT IS KING? We have been hearing from the inbound marketers of the world that content is king. Rightfully so… but for most marketers their highest leverage point is – CONVERSION Conversion rate is probably the TOUGHEST statistic to monitor, track, improve, and test. For most marketers, it is like watching grass grow and it shouldn’t be. It is most…
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Expo: 10% Branding 90% Specific Niche Solution

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Recently, I read a LinkedIn inquiry seeking expertise in the creation of an Expo booth. I am sure many presenters have similar interests. Expos are amazing, noisy events proliferated with bright signs, moving parts, and a few sharply dressed reps. Looking at Expos holistically by purpose helps to successfully plan one. It’s simple. It’s all about clarity. Here are a…
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Strategic Online Marketing

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By: Mike Green In the Jungle When I think of strategy, I think of the animal kingdom. Their entire life is based on being strategic. They live or die by it. It’s all about being stronger, faster, smarter than their competition and food. The perfect example of this is the lion and the gazelle. The lion knows he can’t out…
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Serious Sherpas for Business

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What Does A Sherpa Do? The first time Mt. Everest was summited in 1953, the assistance of a Sherpa proved invaluable. Since then, Sherpas have proven to be a critical resource for successful summits of peaks throughout the Himalayas. The elevation of the Himalayas ranges from 60 meters above sea level to the highest point on earth (Mt. Everest at…
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Do This and Experience Growth

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In all of your doing, do this and experience growth. This tip can profoundly impact your success: Find time to be still. Moments of contemplation cause breakthroughs. Thinking is a good thing. “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.” –Henry Ford. Autopilot Because thought is the precursor to almost…
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Marketing For Humans

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By: Mike Green How Are You Connecting? 2013 will be a maturity year for the Internet Marketing industry. As referenced by this excellent post by one of my colleagues, the internet marketing industry is becoming more about people and relationships, and less about “optimization” for Google’s algorithm. In spite of marketing being an integral part of every day human interaction,…
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Embracing "New" Marketing?

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“New” Marketing? So what is the “new” marketing. Well, if you haven’t heard, the “new” marketing is – CONTENT MARKETING Except the thing about it is that it is really not that “new.” Content marketing is closely tied to the idea of “inbound” marketing. Inbound marketing is about attracting customers instead of convincing them. Outbound marketing works for many companies…
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