Archive for December, 2013

E-payments on the Rise

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If you haven’t noticed, technology is revolutionizing the way we do just about everything—including the way we pay people. E-payment applications are quickly replacing cash and checks, allowing us to easily pay anyone with two or three simple taps on a smart phone. Among the e-payment applications that have recently surfaced, these three are the most popular: 1. PayPal: This…
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Music Monday: The Best of 2013

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The Soundtrack of a Year Looking back on the last 12 months, it’s easy to see that a lot has happened. ‘N Sync got back together for all of 2 minutes, Miley certainly…changed, and our very own Joe Cobb held hands with Beyonce! With so much to remember, there are a few 2013 releases that everyone must have. Many came…
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New Year's Resolutions

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You’re ready. You stare yourself down in the mirror. “This time it’s for real!”, you say to yourself as your mind briefly flashes to all of your failed attempts. You quickly push the doubts aside with, “Yeah, well it’s the beginning of a New Year, so this try will be different!”. And you’re right…maybe. We’ve all been there. Whether it’s…
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New Years Is Here

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Scott Christofferson New Year’s Eve is upon us again. December 31st rolls around every year just like clock work. It’s now the time we should be focusing on New Year’s Resolutions including (but not limited to): breaking bad habits and forming good ones, losing weight, gaining muscle, starting businesses, writing books . . you know, just the works. All of…
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Christmas According to Joe

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Christmas is a many splendored thing. Christmas serves as a reminder that we should be happy. People often fall into the holiday blues and are let down by false expectations. This holiday should be about the simple things in life. Christmas should be about human interaction. Christmas should be about love. Not necessarily romantic love (though it never hurt). I…
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My Favorite Christmas Traditions

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Photo by Flickr user: Angelo Amboldi When it comes to Christmas traditions, it seems like every family has their own special recipe to make the holiday special. Some families have ornate Christmas traditions with specific times and places; other families have more subtle traditions that they may not even recognize as special or unique. But when it comes to the…
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Music Monday: Music for Christmas Day

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It’s Beginning to Sound a Lot Like Christmas I don’t know about your family, but my family has a tradition of putting on holiday tunes while we move throughout the Christmas Day festivities of opening presents and spending time together. Let’s be honest, though – listening to the same holiday songs every year can get a little old. My only…
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How Online Shopping Changed Christmas

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When you can lie down in pajamas with an iPad in hand doing your “Christmas shopping,” it’s hard to understand why anybody waits in shopping lines anymore. Online shopping has altered the Christmas shopping experience entirely; it seems that most people these days prefer to avoid the busy malls altogether and buy their Christmas gifts straight from the comfort of…
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In Theaters: Christmas Season 2013

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Scott Christofferson Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year, isn’t it? There is so much to do and enjoy, people to visit and love to share. One of my favorite holiday activities is going to the movies and this year has a solid line up of movies which means everyone can find a movie they’ll enjoy this…
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The Art of Neighbor Gifts

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Giving Christmas gifts can be awkward. We’ve all been in a gift giving situation we wish we could forget. I gave a family some homemade fudge last year only to discover that the entire family is vegan. Of course for every failure there is a success. A few years back I had to army crawl past a security camera to…
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