Archive for July, 2008

Domain Name Age

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The age of a domain name plays a vital role in search engines. Just like offline businesses where companies that have been around a while increase in credibility to customers as opposed to start ups. Search engines do look at the age of a domain name as a factor. While it is not a killer to start ups it is looked at. There are two things that are looked at. Continue Reading »

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Writing About Us Pages

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Having an online business can help make any small business look like they are bigger than they actually are. One of the most important pages on a website is the “About Us” page. This is the page where a customer is looking to get a feel about your company. They will be looking for a variety of things. Continue Reading »

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Layout The Benefits

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When you are writing content for your website and explaining your product, readers are always looking on how it will help them. If you go on and on about all of the features that your product has like its ingredients, unique chemical properties, or state of the art material, people are still going to make a decision on “how will this make my life easier”. Continue Reading »

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Use Ellipsis In Writing

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When writing content on the internet you have to grab the eye. People scan through information so you have to catch them and get their attention very fast. Using ellipsis can be somewhat like a bullet list. An ellipsis gives you Continue Reading »

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Types of Testimonials

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In marketing, testimonials are used a lot to help build credibility that there are other satisfied customers. It is human nature to want to see and care about what others are doing and saying. Have you ever driven by a really bad accident and seen mass amounts of people watching the scene or slowing down and not paying attention that they almost cause another accident. Continue Reading »

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Develop A Creative Edge

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In any business you have to create an edge as to why you are better than other competitors. This is especially true when you do business online. There is a lot of competition so you have to do your homework and create your niche in order to compete. If you have a totally unique product on the market then it is something you really don’t have to worry about because the product is the competitive edge. Your company has to show off their best qualities.

Here are some examples of what your edge could be: Continue Reading »

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Use The Unsubscribe Link Effectively

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When you are sending e-mails to individuals that have signed-up from some form that you have setup make sure you have an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the e-mail. This will ensure that you are being compliant with all of the Can Spam Act of 2003. Continue Reading »

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Observe The 4 K's

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Writing content for advertisements is something that every business must do. Whether for a newspaper, a magazine, a radio ad, or online it is something business owners are constantly doing in their business.

There are some things that will help make your ad stand out like a Continue Reading »

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Mail-Merge Personalization

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When sending out e-mails use mail merge personalization. This is where you set up your email databasing system to automatically insert information about your contacts like their first name, last name, address, phone #, or what they bought from your company. Continue Reading »

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11 Ways to Collect Email Addresses

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One of the most important things to do when you are doing business is to collect information from potential customers. Both online and offline businesses need more customers. The best way to collect information from potential customers for an online business is to collect their email. Here are 11 different ways to collect email addresses. Continue Reading »

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